What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Perhaps you know this person. They don’t know what to do with their life. A child has many opportunities to decide how to use their grownup talents. A child can change course many times. Adults may not have the luxury of changing life’s course. Adults have responsibilities which may require staying in work or a career less than satisfactory. But no child or adult will ever tire of the “career” on my mind. The “career” I’m thinking of is a second career. It’s the one every person does while keeping an everyday salary-based job, one that pays the bills.

Those who belong to the group homo sapiens may all have two jobs. The second job does not require training, or college credits. This second job-think of it as a “career,” requires hands on training. It requires learning from experience. Children can begin this career as young as infancy. They will need adult help to begin this early in life. But an infant who begins this “second career” will have a lifetime of peace, happiness, joy and health. That’s right, this career brings happiness, peace, joy…and health. There is no salary. These benefits are the salary. Money can’t buy these things.

What is this “second career?”  The second career of every homo sapien should be to be a naturalist.

A naturalist is a person who seeks to discover how nature works. In this definition a naturalist is not an activist. The dictionary definition is about right: a naturalist is a person who studies nature. In this definition a naturalist is a person who learns about nature by going outside. This naturalist spends more time watching nature and thinking about what is seen than reading books about nature. This naturalist does not learn about nature best by watching movies or video. This naturalist watches the real thing. Nature. This naturalist goes outside in any weather understanding that the more time is spent outside…the more will be learned about how the natural world works.

Being a naturalist should be standard behavior for any earth dweller. When there is time, we study nature. We make time when there is not. Being a naturalist is a life priority. However, no one will be a naturalist if forced to. A true naturalist wants to be outside to discover the wonders found on earth. Being a naturalist can be a second career. If you feel more comfortable, call it a hobby. There are ways to guide adults and children to a life-long naturalist path.

Being a naturalist should be the most natural activity for any human. (Forgive me for the pun.) An adult with a desire to discover how nature works…that is begin the second career…can bring other adults and children along. Together parents can teach their children. Adults can mentor other adults. Naturalist training can become one of life’s greatest pleasures. Did I mention healthy? Time spent outside is also the most optimum place for good health.

There are some reading this who have already been thinking-how do I begin. What follows is a naturalist quick start…think of it as becoming a naturalist after one trip outside. Since there are many things to consider about being a naturalist we’ll take them up in future “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?” sessions.

The Naturalist Quick Start… (for those who want to get started being a naturalist-right now.)

Read this list first:

A Naturalist is:

1.         Respectful…respect for the natural world grows each time outside.

2.   Adventurous…likes to explore, move about in nature.    

3.       Curious…ask questions…especially if you don’t know the answer.

4.       Learning to be still…the quieter we are…the MORE we see.

5.       Learning to wait…to wait is to be patient…the natural world is not on your clock.

6.       Learning to be observant…pay close attention.

7.       *Is full of wonder…not question wonder…look for what amazes.

8.       Learning to write things down…that’s right…call it a journal.

9.       Learning to reflect about what is seen and heard. Naturalists contemplate.

10.   Learning to share experiences in nature. Few people will not welcome your sharing.

*Wonder is the most important behavior of a naturalist. Wonder is what sends you outside again.

What comes next? Don’t plan on any extravagant activity. What comes next is simple.

Once you have read the list…go outside. Spend 10-30 minutes sitting outside your house. Watch and be still. Look for a surprise…there is a surprise waiting for every human who will go outside and watch for it.

Look for the next installment of “My Second Career-Naturalist.”

Meanwhile…go outside each day for a time. Watching first…then add walking and watching.

Come back to creatorwords.com more will be posted.



“Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth, are never alone or weary of life.”

― Rachel Carson

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