My Second Career
Every kid needs two careers.
Even every adult needs a second career.
But neither group needs two jobs.
Make your second career a study of the place you call home. No, not your house…your earthly home-the blue planet. Yes…I hear you. You have significant reasons why this is unappealing to you.
1. The weather. It’s too cold, too hot or too wet or too windy. It’s better inside.
2. I don’t know anything about nature. I can’t tell a robin from a bald eagle. How can enjoy something I know nothing about?
3. It’s dangerous outside. Things that bite live there. Things that carry disease live there. Frostbite happens out there…lightning may strike me. I could die outside.
4. It’s dirty. My clothes will get dirty. My hands will get dirty. Isn’t dirt dangerous?
5. I’m too busy anyway. There are way too many inside things to do.
It’s only fair. Allow me the chance to disprove your motives to stay inside.
1. Weather…Too cold-wear warm gear. (Amazing cold weather clothing exists!) Too hot…stay out of the sun…too windy-same logic. There is always a comfortable place outside. Find it.
2. There is no exam for this…no test. The best way to learn how nature works is to go outside. Why do we have 5 senses? You will be amazed at the deep satisfaction you find in making nature discoveries. Doctors do not learn medicine in a day. Make this a rest of your life goal.
3. Some call this Ecophobia (fear of our earthly home). You don’t want to buy into this reasoning. There are as many dangers inside where electricity is. Reduced stress, lower blood pressure, better overall health is one of the by-products of a person who determines to become a second career human-you know-naturalist.
4. We do have washing machines. Wear your naturalist clothing…the comfortable clothing you wear when you go outside. Hand and fingernails are easily cleaned. Washing your hands kills germs. We can debate this, but I suggest the unhealthier “dirt” is found inside.
5. If “too busy” is your reason for not going outside…all that can be done is suggest that you likely ARE too busy. That’s honestly unhealthy. Find one inside thing you can let go of and replace it with time outside.
30 minutes every day
No, this is not meddling. “Experts” have spoken. The Mayo Clinic recommends 30 minutes of exercise daily. “The more hours you sit each day, the higher your risk of metabolic problems.”
Now, you are already thinking of my suggestion…exchange 30 minutes of indoor time for 30 minutes of outside exercise…this is what we can call a “TWOFER.” Just laugh at me. A “twofer” is doing two things at the same time. Oh, some people call it multi-tasking.
Second Career Quick Start Idea #2
The How Things are Doing Hike
This is so simple you may think you are not really getting your “money’s worth.” Well there is no charge for this “QUICK START.”
1. Put on some shoes you can walk in. Dress for the weather-cool, hot, wet or windy-then go out for a walk.
2. Things to do while you walk: examine the sky. If there are clouds look closely. If the sky is blue…look at the blue over and over-until blue becomes your favorite color. Listen for nature sounds. Watch for birds, watch them fly.
3. While you walk think about what your 5 senses are telling you. If you are walking with another person (a great idea) talk together about what you are thinking and experiencing.
The goal of your hike: find out how things are “doing” outside…nature things.
4. What to move in the advanced naturalist stage? When you return from your walk-get out a blank notebook. Write about the walk-include date, temperature & sky conditions and then write briefly-tell the “story “of your walk. Writing about an experience gives it permanence. You don’t need to identify anything. Try writing about your walks every time you go out. You’ll make some surprising discoveries.
Every kid…every adult needs two careers. Call one the day job. The other…learning to enjoy earth.
(Look for the 3rd installment of “My Second Career-Naturalist” coming soon!)