Wish you could take those words back? You spoke while angry, spoke harsh words, words that hurt. We have a problem with our tongues. They form words that cause trouble, heartache and sorrow. What can we do with out of control mouths? Our own first.
Read MoreI read these words once: “If someone could tell you the truth-would you want to know?”
So, because you matter-what you are about to read IS the truth.
Read MoreMore dessert?-maybe. More vacation?-sometimes. More relaxation?-sure. Yet-MORE is not always better. When is more NOT better? When the subject is our words. Fewer words is the wise behavior. But don’t take it from me. Read the counsel of 3 experts.
Read MoreIt would seem that walking on water would be important. would you walk on water if you could? There is something more important than water walking. How can we stop from sinking?
Read MoreHere is a job for you. Chase the wind. That’s right-chase the wind. Right. No one does that. It is not possible to chase the wind. Yet, there are things we “chase” after which are just a futile as wind chasing.
Read MoreWhat is your greatest fear right now? If you have a pulse something troubles you. If there was someone who could say “Don’t be afraid” and then be able to remove your fears would that be something to desire? Well…there is. (click the photo title)
Read MoreTwo are better than one-it’s true. A second truth is a three stranded cord very strong. This is about companions. We need them-especially those we trust. Yet every earthly companion has faults. There is a flawless companion…who never fails, never leaves and is completely trustworthy.
Read MoreEver hear someone say “awesome?” Used that way, the meaning of the word is “I agree” or “sure.” We use “awesome” a lot. Maybe check your use of “awesome.” There is only ONE AWESOME.
Read MoreA warm cozy fire is motivation. Feeling the warmth of a fire, watching the glowing embers brings contentment. Many find it pleasant to sit before a fire. We’ll do it again and again for the peace and satisfaction a fire brings. Is contentment the most desirable thing?
Read MoreEver watched someone do something awful? Then find yourself wondering, “can it get any worse?” In this case it was Bad to Worse. There’s a truth here for every one of us.
Read MoreEver feel life is unfair? The good lose. Liars and dishonest ones seem to win. Do you ever feel helpless in a world where evil always overcomes good? Feel like giving up sometimes? Don’t. There is hope…true hope. And Hope has a name.
Read MoreEver discover you misjudged someone? Have you thought you knew the person? Were you offended by them? Then person turned out to be entirely different than you thought? Keep this in mind as you read.
Read MoreNot one of us is exempt. There will be an accounting. If you breath, once breathed, you’re included. The NET will be cast. It’s not a fishing net-we’re all in. For some it will be wonderful, others-the worst.
Read MoreIt’s not fair! Ever find yourself discouraged about injustice? Where does injustice originate? Try wickedness. You know- evil, lawlessness, selfishness, lies, deception-there’s more. We need a perfect judge who always provides justice. There is one.
Read MoreWhat is foreverness? Think of it as life without time. Foreverness is not a human character trait or attribute. Foreverness belongs to God. With God forever is secure.
Read MoreWould you like to know the future? No, not football future, forever future. Forever exists you know. Are you wheat or a weed? This isn’t a farmer question. Click on the lake-both questions are answered in this post.
Read MoreIn case you were unaware-it comes installed at birth. A gift. Take it-or not. Keep in mind, your heart was made for this.
Read MoreThere is time for everything. There is. Who keeps the clock? Who started the clock? Not you. Not me. Back to where we started: There is a time for everything. Feel the comfort in this truth.
Read MoreA day is coming-it will be the final harvest. The crop however is not corn or soybeans-nor any other crop grown by a farmer. It is the harvest of mortals when those who believe will be separated from those who do not. Forever. Fact check-truth from Matthew 13.
Read MoreBeen some talk about joy recently. There’s manufactured joy and true joy. You want the real thing. There’s nothing like the real thing. What is the source of true joy?
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