Parents Who Do Distance Learning-Opportunity One
The skies proclaim the glory of God, how is this possible? Ask your kids.
Your school children have been home…all day, every day.
How long has it been? Perhaps you remember the exact day school closed. Perhaps it seems so long ago the exact day has vaporized from memory.
The point is not when, the point is the kids are home. Perhaps it should read, the kids are home!!! Are you pulling out your hair yet? Are you thankful for teachers and schools? Don’t tell me…you are.
Have you considered the opportunity the virus presents to families?
As parents you want to successfully raise each of your children to become responsible, effective, contributing American Citizens. As parents, you are the front line, the first people your children go to for role models, you are, believe it. Children watch their mother and father. They become like them in many ways.
This is an opportunity for you to parent your kids.
It is an opportunity to deepen relationships with each of them. The virus has forced us to stay at home with one another more than at any time in modern American history. Use this time to build your relationships with your children. Consider this an opening to fireproof your kids from the negative influences in our culture. The virus provides parents with a BIG break.
Now is the time, this is your chance parents.
*Enable your kids to know you love them.
*Reconnect with your kids.
*Spend time with them, discover their personalities, their worries and fears.
**Turn the negative to a positive…
Want some help? Would you like some ideas?
These ideas will not only provide you with something to do, they will reduce your stress and that of your kids. They will contribute to your health and that of your kids…told you- this is an opportunity! With each opportunity we’ll share a verse of scripture…to connect you and yours with God.
This Bald Eagle was the second eagle, it sailed on set wings just behind the first. Were they mates?
Opportunity 1: Go outside look at the sky.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1
Psalm 19:1 is one of my favorite passages. Want to see the glory of God?
This verse indicates we can see the glory of God by looking at the sky, the heavens. (Declare is to: announce. Proclaim is to: Broadcast Think of it. The heavens ANNOUNCE the glory of God; the skies BROADCAST the work of HIS hands!
Get Started: Ask your kids, “what does the sky look like today?” Pretend to be a TV reporter, use your pencil as a microphone and interview them. Grab a sheet of paper and write down their answers.
Go outside for sky watching.
a. On a clear day…ask them, “How large is the sky?” Take that paper with…record their answers. Sit them down in a spot with a “skyvantage” ask them to watch for birds flying, & airplanes. If conditions allow have them lie on their backs, tell them to look as deep into the sky as they can. How far can they see? Last question-how do the skies proclaim the “glory of God?” Write what they say…
b. On a day with clouds+sun. Walk and watch…stop and sit…lay on your backs. Talk about cloud shapes…name them if you want. Tell them to pick one cloud and watch it move. Ask them what makes a cloud. Write their answers. Have them pick favorites…ask them to explain their favorites.
c. On a completely cloudy day. Walk and watch the sky…birds work every day. Stop…sit…lay back. Ask them to look into the sky as far as they can see. How can they see the glory of God? Write their answers…😊
d. How do the heavens declare God’s glory? Take them out after dark! Write their answers when you come inside.
Sky watching often reveals the moon.
Ask your kids, what color is the sky. But, tell them you can’t simply say blue. Tell them you want to know what kind of blue.
If you get the chance to watch flying birds, count them…ask your kids where have they been and where are they going? This question will please you and them: What can they see that you cannot?