Distance Learning...A Wind Walk...
What is the wind like at the altitude from which the hawk is soaring?
Parents Who Didn’t Expect to Do Distance Learning…Here’s another IDEA…
Study the Wind
Hi families, welcome to another new day.
No, it’s not another nasty day to spend in isolation or quarantine. Guess what? If you are reading or watching this God has given you another opportunity! Hooray! Alleluia!
Whatever your family routine or plan for today is…if you find you need something to do (you and the kids) today-go outside. Walk as a family. What do you do besides walk? Remember yesterday…Look at the sky, whether its clear, partly cloudy or entirely overcast…look at the sky. Look for the glory of God! Consider the truth-“…the skies proclaim (they BROADCAST) the work of God’s hands. What’s my counsel for you and the kids? First, look at the sky!
Then…Let’s add the wind.
Wind twists the trunk and limbs of the Burr Oak
First, before your family goes outside to do a wind check-look at the Bible and search it for the word “wind.” One of my favorite ways to topically search the Bible is using BibleGateway. It tells us “wind” is found 179 times in the Bible…try it. Searching scripture is never time wasted. Here’s our wind scripture for today:
“Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Whose hands have gathered up the wind? Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is the name of his son? Surely you know!” Proverbs 30:4
Wait…before you go out: Look at what you wrote about the sky. Remember the sky with the kids. Read what someone wrote. It will get your minds ready for outside…and wind. Now-Ask the kids, “what is wind?” Write down their answers…write the date first…trust me when I ask you to record their responses. A record of your family times outside will become a blessing. Hold on…one more…Look out the window-ask, “Can you tell if it is windy?” (You will be wise to record responses...honest. 😊)
NOW Go out: Stand outside the house together. Close your eyes, listen to the wind. Turn and face the wind. Close your eyes again…stand quietly. Let the wind hit your faces. Wait a minute or two…longer if your kids are older. If it is a calm day search for a place to hear the wind on your walk…try it. You’ll find a place.
Write before the walk: What do they tell you about how the wind feels? How does it sound? Go ahead, you decide, write what you like.
A Wind Walk: Before you start, tell the kids to “look” for the wind. Yes, say, “look.” Ask them if they can see the wind. Listen and write their answers. Walk as far as you want…”looking” for the wind should be your main walk focus. If you come to an especially windy spot, stop and let the wind blow. Face it, turn your back, close your eyes and listen. Do what you did with them at the house.
Come Home: Invite the kids to sit at the table. You know if it is time for a treat. Then Say: tell me what you discovered about the wind today? Ask-Can you gather the wind in your hands? Talk about the power of God.
Thank you families…listen to the word of God one more time:
“Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Whose hands have gathered up the wind? Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is the name of his son? Surely you know!” Proverbs 30:4
Who has gone up to heaven and come down?
I have another idea in mind for you soon!