W.A.L.K. 2
Look for the moon on your Walks…it is a great conversation starter.
W.A.L.K. 2
Welcome to Family W.A.L.K.ers! In these days, time outside alleviates fears and dampens doubts. If you have not do so yet, think carefully about implementing W.A.L.K.s with your family. We’ll explain the acronym below.
Here we go!
Something for you to think about…have you seriously considered what an opportunity the virus is? Our routines are out the window! The kids are home from school. Perhaps even you are now working remotely. And…We have significantly more time with our family…isn’t that beyond good? Therefore, the virus is good for one thing…reconnecting with those we love!
Think about this too-if you take our simple suggestions seriously you have the potential to sow seeds of truth in the hearts of your children which will change them for eternity! Each WALK is a chance to show your kids the power and divine nature of God! It is eternity we are talking about…believe me friends, God will use every family WALK for His purposes.
Did you go on WALKS last week? Some of you watched the video,
and never walked. Some of you got 1 walk in. Others WALKED every day…whatever group you and your family fit in is ok…
This week and each week we are in “stay at home” mode, make it your goal to WALK regularly.
Remember it takes time to create a personal habit. Without adding guilt to your conscious-rather use it for motivation-remember that every WALK builds God awareness, fosters physical health and reduces stress. We know fresh air strengthens our immune systems. Perhaps you are thinking…We know WALKS are good for us! Why is it so hard for us to get everyone together? We never did 1 WALK last week!
Did you start with prayer?
We do have a roaring lion enemy. He really does not want you to put yourself or your kids in a place where all of you might see the power and divine nature of God. Do you think he will make it easy for you? PRAY first…pray while you walk, and when you come home…Know that your WALKS can draw you and your kids near to God. Drawing near to God is only good always good. Our enemy will do everything possible to stop you. Pray…
What does W.A.L.K. 2 look like? It is almost like our first W.A.L.K. but with an added component-S.I.T.
First, Keep doing W.A.L.K.s
Wonder: a search for awe!
Ask questions, kids first!
Look, Listen, Learn*
Kingdom…every walk is in God’s kingdom
For W.A.L.K. 2- add S.I.T.
Stop, sit (take time to be still on your WALK)
Investigate…look around as you sit
Think about what you see/Talk to each other at home.*
This is important: *Buy or re-purpose a blank lined notebook to use as your “Family W.A.L.K. Journal”
Here is an idea to study creation this week…the first day of Spring came recently on March 21. As you walk this week look for signs of spring. When you return to the house, talk together, and make a list. Do it by day, add details. Save your list…we’ll invite you to make another next week.
You may see a White Breasted Nuthatch. (If your W.A.L.K. is in the Northern Hemisphere!) Look for birds…
How many sits? You decide…the more you sit, the more you’ll want. Remember…the more-quiet you are the more you will see!
Finally two details…
Spring earth is wet earth, bring a “spring” board with you…(That’s a piece of cardboard.)
Remember to talk together when you get home…plan for a snack and sit together to talk. Write in your W.A.L.K. Journal. Put the date above every entry.
If you remember pray together, and read Romans 1:20. This would be a great verse to memorize. Begin by having one of the older kids who can write copy this verse on the first page of your Family W.A.L.K. Journal.
We even got feedback from others who W.A.L.K.ed last week. Here it is:
“We did go for a walk.
For fun, I'll give you a report using your wonderful acronym WALK. We heard the gentle rustle of the tall pines standing like soldiers ready to protect us from mighty winds,
we heard five different birds singing happy morning calls to each other, we tread upon a bed of pine needles, we saw two large downed trees that bowed to the weight of old man winter, and we dodged many piles of animal scat doing what they do to stay well.” PS…we were quiet on our walk.” 😊
Have a great week dear-families! Love your kids… And…take lots of W.A.L.K.S!
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20
Let me end this second W.A.L.K. blog with a simple prayer:
+open our eyes
+bind the power of Satan
+remove distractions
+show us Your ETERNAL power and DIVINE nature …Amen
If you can walk along the shore of a lake, you will like it!