A “How Things Are Doing” Sit
This is a raptor watching sky.
This virus is squeezing us.
Our movements, our shopping, our contacts with others, even services are being limited-by a virus. Life has changed; life BV, Before Virus and life DV, During Virus-we know. We never expected such things in this modern age: our nation being shut down by a virus. Lives changed and lost, because of a virus. We have come to shudder at the word Corona. We can only long for and speculate about life AV: After Virus.
Is life as we know it forever ruined?
No, actually, life goes on. May the following report provide you with a renewed sense of calmness and peace. Reflect on what you are about to read and consider the facts. The first fact, life goes on. Spring migration is seriously underway. No virus can stop it.
The second fact, a virus does not affect seasonal change. The length of day light for this day is 12 hours 31 minutes and there is 3 minutes and 17 seconds more daylight today than yesterday.
Third fact, the climate does change. Spring is gradually, day by day coming to the north land.
For 30 minutes this afternoon I sat and watched spring unfold. A cup of green tea was nearby, my camera and a piece of paper and pencil rounded out the rest of the equipment used in this afternoon “Sit.” Of course, I sat on a chair. A ball cap shaded my eyes. No sunglasses, my eyes cannot see clearly in the view finder with sunglasses on.
I sat long enough to drink the tea.
When I came into the house 30 minutes had passed. On the piece of paper, I documented everything which seemed important.
A “How Things are Doing” Sit
Length of sit: 30 minutes.
Time of day 2:30-3:00 PM
Location of sit:
Our south facing deck
Migrating Raptors: Hawks- 3; Eagles- 2
This is hawk 1 of 3.
While watching the first hawk, this hawk came into view. Look for multiple birds as you watch.
Some birds have gained high altitude vantage points. They circle and then, on their decision, with wings set, they effortlessly soar northward with wings set. It is almost effortless flight.
Audible birds: Robin, Dark Eyed Junco, English Sparrow, Crow, House Finch, Starling, Hairy Wood Pecker, Red Bellied Wood Pecker
Visible Birds: Robin, Chickadee, Downy Woodpecker, House Finch, Hairy Wood Pecker, Red Bellied Wood Pecker, Hawks 3, Bald Eagles 2
Other nature audible: Red Squirrel
Weather: Wind-calm, cirrus clouds, 36°F
What happened on this 30 minute “sit” on our deck?
1. Relaxation
2. Discovery of a beautiful afternoon in progress.
3. My heart and soul were refreshed.
4. A witness of the timeless mystery of migration directly over my head.
5. An additional witness of order. Things outside are working as they do EACH spring.
My eyes never tire of the spectacle of a north soaring hawk riding the north bound river of spring migration. There is no sound. There is a grand majesty. There is silent power and beauty in tandem. A soaring raptor creates a sky dance of panoramic splendor. And there is knowledge that these birds are following a carefully developed plan. The script is being followed. More hawks and eagles will glide over our deck again tomorrow. Following the raptors will come the smaller birds. They are still in route flying from as far away as South America…but they will come. We can set our calendars on their movement. This movement has a name: phenology. It is the predictable seasonal advance of animals.
Even with a world-wide pandemic-migration continues without pause or interruption. Watching these raptors add great validity to these words from scripture:
“The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in time of trouble. Psalm 37:39
Try a “Sit” yourself, include a family member. It is free and a great Big Screen Family Event!
Bring out your tea, coffee even a soda, add your favorite snack. Get out your lawn chairs for comfort…watch the skies and see the power and divine nature of God.
This is the first eagle.
This is the second eagle. My opinion is the two were a pair. The second was closely behind the first. Such mystery! It is worth the time to observe.