This Nuthatch knew exactly where I was.
We didn’t see this virus business coming, did we?
The kids are home, schools are closed, perhaps you are even working from home, or worse, at home and not working. Shelves in stores are empty. Have you been fearful? I have. Take a breath with me…
But, do you realize what the virus gives to us?
This is an opportunity to share the love of God with our children. Yes, you heard me…this is an opportunity. What do I mean? First, hear this from Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.” That’s a verse of truth!
What does it mean to us in the middle of a world wide pandemic? Take another breath…It means Jesus is in control. His power holds everything together. Even now, He is in control.
We have time now…no one asked for this. I doubt that anyone would wish for this. But…we have time now…your kids are at home…schedules disrupted…what should we do?
Want to see the Power of God?
Would you like to show God’s power to your children and have quality family time in one action? It is possible! How you ask?
Go outside!
Come on now, stop shaking your head. Go outside…not to get in the family vehicle and drive someplace…not to play a game.
The evergreen tree in the right center of the photo is a White Pine. If you delight in the wind in pine needles, the White Pine is the best. Listen on your walks.
Go to smell the air.
Go to listen to the wind…feel it on your face, watch it sway the trees.
Go to examine the sky…
Go to see awe…
Go to touch the bark of a tree, the tips of grass, feel the rain.
Go outside…to be surprised by God!
Teach your kids about knarley…show them the twisty branches of Burr Oak.
That is what Go Outside means.
This about your relationship to the Eternal Everlasting Creator.
It is about providing your children the chance to anchor their hope in the power and divine nature of God. It happens when you go outside. Going outside connects us with eternity.
It will take your mind off the virus too…
Read God’s word on the idea:
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20
Do you see? When we go outside God reveals to us His power and divine nature. These are not simply airy thoughts. This is truth. We are told in this verse that we can SEE the power of invisible God, and SEE the divine nature of God who is for now unseen. While is it harder to believe in Someone we cannot see, it is much easier to believe in God when we examine His works. Creation surrounds us. Air, gravity, clouds, rain, snow, wind, all living things, plants, invertebrates, birds and animals ALL reveal the power and divine nature of God…
We cannot fully experience the power and divine nature of God in a building. God did not put Adam and Eve in a building. He put them in a garden.
Go outside.
Here’s a plan for you. It is a perfect antidote to a virus.
Fresh air boosts our immune systems.
Fresh air cleans our lungs.
Fresh air makes us happier.
Fresh air provides us with greater focus and renewed energy.
Outside is good for the human soul. God made everything outside. His divine nature and eternal power are present.
Clouds are God’s marvelous sky sculptures.
We can DO something about this virus: Go outside.
You need a plan. Here it is, we’ll call it “WALK.”
Let me explain this way:
Wonder: questions and awe (awe takes your breath, God has put awe outside, you and your kids will like it-but you must search for it.
Ask: kids get to ask questions first, don’t ask yours till they ask one.
Look, Listen, Learn (all three happen on a walk)
Kingdom: all of outside is God’s Kingdom, reverence is good
1. Each day of the week…for as long as the virus lasts…plan a family walk. You decide on the time, once you get in a routine, try to vary the time. There is awe in sunrise and sunset! Walk in your neighborhood, a park or a natural area nearby with trails.
2. Start with short walks…stop while the kids like it and want more.
3. Dress for the weather. Remember you are not going from the car into the building, to be outside for an extended time you need clothes to keep you warm. If your walking partners get cold everyone will miss the benefits.
4. Choose a time when the whole family can go. If not alternate…but your goal is everybody walks.
5. How long? Long enough to have a chance to think about the power and divine nature of God…time will vary depending on the ages of your walking partners.
Use this simple model and-
Boredom does not happen in nature! God is there.
Play games inside, when the game is over take a family “WALK.”