Able to Stand?

One more time…the “end of the age” is coming. Are you worn out hearing this phrase? Listen and reflect on the end of the age-Jesus has more counsel for us.

 “Watch out! Don’t let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. Don’t let that day catch you unaware, like a trap. For that day will come upon everyone living on the earth. Keep alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:34-36

Every word of Jesus Christ stands…forever.

While you and I do not know the day and time of Jesus’s return-it is certain as the pulse in our wrists. (Likewise-We do not know the day our pulse will end.) This is the point of today’s message: Jesus counsels us to be ready for His return. His counsel comes with two points.

First: The world is a distraction pit.

Many choose drunkenness and carousing to escape. We add complication with worry, anxiety and fears which distract us from living life with the end in view. Jesus warns us to keep away from these things. These are a trap. There is no hope in them…not drunkenness or worry. We are not to be fooled be the behavior of those around us…do not do as the world does.

Before the second point-don’t miss what Jesus said next: “For that day will come upon everyone living on the earth.” No one will escape the end of the age…now the second point.

Second: Jesus tells us there is something we can do.

While we have no clue when the end of the age comes Jesus tells us we can prepare. Both of us can follow the instructions Jesus gives: Watch-we are to live the life God gives each day…and watch. Watch in this verse means to be on the alert. It might help us watch if we spoke this sentence: “Jesus, the Bible tells me I may see you today.”

Pray-Jesus knows that the temptations of the world can distract us. Prayer the way for you and me to be ready for the certain return of Jesus. Prayer puts our minds on Jesus. When we tell Jesus about the worldly temptations, we face He gives us strength to overcome them. He tells us to bring all of our worries to Him. Only Jesus overcomes the evil of the world. Pray is His gift to us as we seek to be ready for His certain return. Watch and pray.

Why watch and pray?

We watch and pray so we can stand. At the end of the age those who believe these words of Jesus will be able to stand before Him on the day of Judgment. Those who followed the ways of the world will be forever cast from His presence. And those who watch and pray will hear Jesus say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

In the end…May we both be enabled to stand!

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