Every Day Teaching

As you read this…for me writing this at our kitchen table -Jesus is present…with both of us. He is present with us wherever we go today.

While Jesus ministered here on earth He cleared the temple of merchants selling sacrifices at high prices…after that remember what Jesus did? He taught the people in the now seller free temple court.

He answered the religious leaders questions, taught about the wicked tenants, taxes to Caesar, whose Son Jesus was, and this question:  is there marriage in heaven? He watched the widow give all and then taught the people about the coming end of the age. And for us in these last days-through the Bible- Jesus has taught us from the book of Luke.

The people couldn’t get enough of Jesus’s teaching. Really. What was it like to hear Jesus, God in the flesh, teach? The people hung on His words. Read what Luke wrote:

 “Every day Jesus went to the Temple to teach, and each evening he returned to spend the night on the Mount of Olives. The crowds gathered at the Temple early each morning to hear him.” Luke 21:37-38

After cleansing the temple Jesus went every day to teach there. Luke tells us Jesus came early…therefore, “the people came early in the morning to hear Him.” Jesus came early because what He taught the people was a matter of life or death…heaven or hell. Luke wrote “all the people came…” Should we believe ALL the people of Jerusalem? “All” excludes no one. We don’t know the number. We can understand that word “all” means many, many people. They came early in the morning-not one slept in- to hear Jesus teach. They understood the words of Jesus spoke were worth listening to, the words of infinite God are always true and filled with love. Today, the words of Jesus continue to be words to hear. They are words of life.

Ever wonder what Jesus taught all those people on those cool early mornings in the temple? The Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are filled with the words Jesus taught. But if we had to pick one passage which summarizes what Jesus taught it could be this one:

 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the God the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Last, consider it prudent to remember Jesus was not an ordinary “teacher.” Think of it-sitting in the temple early in the morning listening to God! He is still teaching. We are not alone today-Jesus is always near.

David EllisComment