Invisible Becomes Visible
Hoar… gray, chilly, icy.
pristine white, silent, grows outside…
only in winter.
Hoarfrost… invisible becoming visible.
Unseen water vapor transformed as magnificent white frozen crystals.
Invisible water vapor, a liquid… freezing on branches, limbs, plants,
everything outdoors colder than 32 degrees.
Hoarfrost is winter dew.
Hoarfrost questions begin wonder.
Liquid water is clear.
Why is hoarfrost white?
How does a vapor become a solid at dew point?
Who sets the dew point?
How is the shape of hoarfrost crystals determined?
The crystals…the crystals…why crystals?
How many are there?
We explain basics.
No expert explains invisible to visible…clear to white…liquid to solid.