Gray Squirrel Edition-Earth's Crammed with Heaven

Heaven on earth?

No…not here.

Heaven’s should be glorious, perfect…

where God dwells.


Earth is crammed with heaven.

Need proof…examine Eastern Gray Squirrels.


Two Greek words: “skia” and “oura.”

Shadow and tail…Gray squirrels sit in tail shadows.

Tree dwellers need balance for life above ground.

Squirrel tails balance, steer, and protect this mammal.

Crammed with heaven?

Watch the gray squirrel aerial display.

Sharp claws, tail balance…pre-installed with on board balance and agility…

the ultimate acrobat…branch to branch limb to limb…

as fast as it runs on earth.

Gray squirrel evidence…made by God.

See? Earth is crammed with heaven.


David EllisComment