Earth's Crammed

Have you seen the world around you lately? You know, looked at the earth we live on?

Perhaps you’ve been too busy. Perhaps there have been other things to occupy your mind and time. Perhaps these other things seem more significant. To stop and look around at the earth we live on is just a waste of time. Isn’t it? You wonder about this idea: stop and look at earth. You wonder, when did my common-sense dissolve?

Outside? Sometimes it’s cold outside. Sometimes it’s wet. There are times when it’s too windy, and too hot. You wonder has he considered the bugs? What about the crawling things? Has he even considered spiders? What could he be thinking you wonder. It’s dirty outside. There are sand and dirt particles-everywhere. You wonder, has he considered the diseases that are found outside? West Nile Virus, Lyme’s disease… he should know, there are many more than these. Doesn’t he know outside is uncomfortable-most of the time? Besides you think, there are more important things to occupy my time.


Let me softly ask, “What if you are missing something?” Beauty, wonder, awe, peace, joy, happiness and health are found outside. Is this list too long to be believable? If so, begin with your favorite. Just pick one.

But whatever you do, consider this:  taking time to stop and consider the earth is time not wasted but well used.

Don’t be mistaken…my idea is far, far from original. My words to you in this blog repeat the refrain of many, many before me. There is something outside. Not a mystical unknowable presence. Not a science fiction figure. God is outside. Surprised? It should be no surprise. God is everywhere present. While you and I can meet Him inside as we read the Bible and pray-God is present in His creation. Outside you and I may see the power and love of God. The apostle Paul wrote that these qualities of God have been present outside since the creation of the world.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Yes, the power and love (divine nature) of God can be added to the list we made earlier. Think of it… beauty, wonder, awe, peace, joy, happiness and health AND God’s power and love can be seen and enjoyed outside. My little brain barely comprehends the majesty and glory God has installed in every atom of the universe. And, God is so gracious, so patient. With each passing year He reveals just a bit more of the glory of His creation to me. How marvelous.

Consider the earth we live on. May it result in a second discovery. God loves you. He made the world, so you and I would have a place to live. As you consider my invitation there is another person whose counsel you should consider. She is no longer living.  The fact that she is dead makes her words more powerful, the message of them more intense.

I was introduced recently to Elizabeth Barret Browning by reading a document presented by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. They produce a daily Christian commentary called “Breakpoint.” The title of this specific “Breakpoint” was, “Earth Crammed with Heaven-God’s Glorious Works.” The commentary featured Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born in 1806. She was a prodigy. By age 4 she was writing poetry. He first book of poetry was completed when she was twelve. She believed God was both Creator and Savior of the world. This belief influenced all of her poetry.

Below is a stanza from Browning’s poem Aura Leigh. As you read, keep the phrase “stop, look at earth” in mind. May Browning’s eloquent description of earth stir you as it does me.


And truly, I reiterate, nothing’s small!

No lily-muffled hum of a summer bee,

But finds some coupling with the spinning stars;

No pebble at your foot, but proves a sphere;

No chaffinch, (a finch found in Britain) but implies the cherubim;

And (glancing on my own thin, veined wrist),

In such a little tremor of the blood

The whole strong clamor of a vehement soul

Doth utter itself distinct. Earth’s crammed with heaven,

And every common bush afire with God;

But only he who sees, takes off his shoes …

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, (1806-1861) from Aurora Leigh

Friend, earth is crammed with heaven!  Stop, look at the earth you live on. Yes, every tree, every bus, every flower is afire with God. Friend…stop, look at the earth you live on and like Moses…may we take off our shoes. Earth is God’s holy creation.

Here is my counsel: Stop, look at the earth you live on. “Earth’s crammed with heaven.”

David EllisComment