Earth's Crammed with Heaven-Ocean Edition
Not calling names, but call me a landlubber. No, not entirely a “land lover” but almost all of my life has been spent in the middle of the North American continent. What is the opposite of land lover? Would it be hydrophile? It does not matter which of the two is best-both fit me.
Regardless, if we have spent most of our lives on land far from an ocean, it is still possible to find delight in the ocean. The United States Lifesaving Association has recorded that 400 million Americans go to the beach annually. However, since this number is actually more than the 2023 Census Bureau population of USA (around 324 million) Let’s agree that a LOT of people go to the ocean each year.
What draws us to the ocean? See if any of these reasons draw you to an ocean:
1. Relaxation
2. Fresh air
3. Foster a love of the ocean in your children
4. For sun
5. For fresh air
6. For exercise
7. For family time
8. Beach games
9. A needed mental break
10. Watching people
11. To surf
12. To take photos
13. To witness sunrises and sunsets
14. Playing in waves
15. Listening to waves
16. To connect with nature
We agreed earlier…a LOT of people go to the ocean. And each of the reasons in the list can stand alone as good reason to go to the beach. Want to know the MAIN reason people go to the beach?
To see the work of God.
There are places on earth where the power and presence of God are especially real. Mountains are such places. Really large natural wonders like the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls are two more outstanding examples. The ocean is another. More accessible than mountains, we can walk along the beach with greater ease than any mountain trail. The ocean view to infinity cannot be found in mountains. Don’t misunderstand, mountains direct the human heart to God. While mountains and mountain ranges are massive, and huge, covering vast stretches of earth; oceans jacket 70% of earth’s surface. Oceans are the greatest examples of God’s creation on earth.
Earth’s oceans produce over 50% of the oxygen needed for life. This oxygen production comes from ocean plants-living under water. The ocean plant which produces the most oxygen is plankton. Surprised? The oxygen producing plankton are photosynthetic bacteria, algae and tiny plants that drift in the ocean. One bacterial plankton: Prochlorococcus is thought to produce 20% of the total oxygen which comes from the ocean. Another fact, earth’s oceans store 50 times more carbon dioxide from earth’s atmosphere. And because oceans cover 70% of earth-70% if earth’s climate is controlled by-yes you got it-oceans.
But let’s not lose sight of our purpose:
Oceans are a place to see the creation of God.
Go back to the list of 16 items. After each item add the words- “This is God’s gift.”
Do not protest.
If you disagree, pause a moment.
What is the source of earth’s oceans? Where does water originate? Perhaps you have other answers. Science has developed may theories to explain the existence of things on earth. To say that God made the oceans and the water in them is no more difficult to believe that “degassing” of the earth’s atmosphere produced water.
The “degassing” theory does not explain how peace and refreshment are given to our souls at the beach. Theories do not explain why humans want to connect with nature. There is something more in an ocean than seemingly endless water. God is present. Oceans are His creation.
We are drawn to oceans because the power and love of God are what every human needs.
God’s power and love are in oceans.
Oceans are crammed with heaven…
The 19th century poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning used the words “Earth’s Crammed with Heaven” in her poem Aurora Leigh written in 1856. Go to an ocean shore. Walk the beach. Keep the phrase “Earth’s Crammed with Heaven” in your thoughts. Listen to the surf. Observe the birds. Stay for the sunrise or sunset. Let your eyes gaze to the horizon, feel the uncountable grains of sand beneath your feet. Perhaps you will agree: “Earth’s Crammed with Heaven.”
Read what God tells us about oceans from the book of Psalms and the book of Isaiah:
He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. Ps 33:7
Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale? Isaiah 40:12
This is from Aurora Leigh…