With a Word

His power,

made blue planet.

With a word.

Clear Water


His wisdom established

sun’s 3rd satellite.

With a word.


His infinite intellect

reached the heavens to distances


With a word.

His infinite wisdom in seen in Sow Thistle.

His infinite wisdom in seen in Sow Thistle.


With a shout,

He makes the waters of heaven

boom and crash.

What a shout!

Mille Lacs Lake in September


Only He inaugurates clouds.

He sends them to earth’s edges.

With a word…as He chooses.

Minnesota Cumulus


God pairs His awesome, fearsome

lightning with rain…

He chooses who, when, and where.

With a word.


Mille Lacs Lake wind

No human ever conceived a warehouse for wind,

God has.

He releases the wind to the outer boundaries…

With a word.


Not ordinary words…God’s

Minnesota Fall Color



But the Lord made the earth by his power,

and he preserves it by his wisdom.

With his own understanding

he stretched out the heavens.

When he speaks in the thunder,

the heavens roar with rain.

He causes the clouds to rise over the earth.

He sends the lightning with the rain

and releases the wind from his storehouses.                    

Jeremiah 10:12-13

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