A Brilliant Idea

This is a good idea.

Consider it a brilliant idea.

This idea certainly will change your life and the lives of your kids.

This, however, will only happen if you choose to try out this wonderful idea. Simply reading these words, even agreeing with them is not enough. This splendid idea requires action. Just a few more words of introduction, then a simple step by step guide to implement the idea followed by the final step:

You acting on the idea.

First the brilliant idea:

Take outdoor expeditions with your children. An expedition is a journey with a purpose.

The purpose my idea offers you has three objectives.

1.       Surprising outdoor discoveries.

2.       Health in exercise and fresh air.

3.       Witnessing the power and love of God in nature.

Second, read the verse of scripture from Isaiah 40:12.

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand
    and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure
    and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?

There are four specific locations for the first expeditions you take. We find them in the verse from the Bible: a body of water, the day or night sky, a nature place on land, and hills or mountains. In this second step, sit down with your children and discuss the four possible places. Use a map, use your knowledge of your neighborhood and choose the four places. Keep the first four simple and nearby. Consider your time frame. My suggestion is to try for two expeditions a week. If that seems too ambitious…schedule one expedition each week. Try for four in a month. Trust me it will be worth it. And-don’t wait for better weather. Expeditions can be done in ANY season. Dress for the weather and go on expeditions!

Your first four expeditions:                                                    Reasons for every expedition:

A lake or an ocean-a river will work…you just need water. (be sure to touch it!)

Reason.Surprising outdoor discoveries-delight.

Daytime or night sky (night is best, day time works also. Find a place to study the sky!

Reason: Health…exercise, stress and anxiety is reduced.

A land nature place: forest, prairie, even a park will do.

Reason: Witness the power and love of God (this is something you specifically look for-at first, after a few expeditions you will find yourself automatically looking for them.)

Hills or mountains.

Reason: God’s power is in hills, more in mountains. AND-It’s doing family life with a purpose and making life long memories.

What to do on the expeditions:

1-Walk, 2-be still and watch, 3-ask questions, 4-write your thoughts.

Walk: allow at least 60 minutes for your first expeditions. Take 30-40 minutes to walk…less if the place you chose is small.

Sit and watch: together. On the walk you will see a comfortable place to sit. Return to it after the walk. For at least five minutes-sit without words.

Ask questions: As you walk, ask the questions that come to mind from what is seen and heard. Ask them as you sit.

Write the questions you ask in a notebook…with the questions include the date/day, general weather and the location. What should you do after 4 expeditions?

Repeat! Go to the same place or find new places. This idea is brilliant because it can be repeated over and over-even for a lifetime. There will always be something new-because God is infinite and always creating!

Expeditions are a brilliant idea for your family.

Doing them will require self discipline…for parents, and children.

The rewards are huge. What will happen if you and your children experience the power and love of God on one of your family expeditions? What to know the truth: do some expeditions, you WILL see both!

David EllisComment