Crystal Watching

If you live where it snows, be thankful.

Snow is a nature phenomenon. But if it snows where you live, snow becomes common over the length of a typical winter. Snow can make winter life difficult for some. Sow storms reduce visibility. This makes driving hazardous. Snow blocks roads and driveways. For some, snow means work, lots of it. Snow in a weather forecast can even cause some to groan. Severe winters may bring complaining from the most soft spoken among us. On the practical path of life, snow makes work for humans. Because of this the miracle, wonder and beauty of snow is lost for many snow belt residents.


Only thinking of how much work snow can make removes the aspect of snow which makes it a delight. Snow is anything but common. We know snow is made of water. An extremely cold and extremely small water droplet freezes onto a pollen, dust or salt particle, and a snow crystal begins. It is after this, when things become miraculous.


An ice crystal reveals the internal order of the crystals of water molecules. Does that make sense to you? Every snow crystal is a model of the order of a water molecule. Look at the photos in this blog. We can see how the inside of molecules of water are designed. Now, consider this. As the ice crystal freezes, the molecules arrange themselves in “predetermined spaces.” And it is not surprising to learn this process is called “crystallization.” It is the crystallization process which forms the 6 sides of every snow crystal. We can truthfully say that the 6 sides of every crystal are also “predetermined.” Temperatures close to freezing produce longer needle like crystal arms. Colder temperatures produce flatter more plate like crystals.


Let’s keep the miracle theme going. Why are no two crystals alike? The simple answer is no snow crystal EVER takes the same path to earth as its nearest neighbor. The variations are infinite-forever. There will never be another snow crystal like the ones you see in this blog. There will be trillions that are similar. But, read this again, none the same…ever. Yes, snow crystals are miracles.


Ever wonder how many miracles fall to earth each winter? What you are about to read is a guess. It may have some validity, but regardless the number you will see is a scientist’s estimate. Here it is, the estimated number of snow crystals that fall on the earth each winter:

1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 or a trillion trillion  Want the truth? You and I cannot comprehend such a number. Perhaps we would be better to say, the number of snow crystals that fall to earth each winter are uncountable.


Snow crystals are beautiful and filled with awe inspiring wonder. We began our brief discussion snow with the fact that snow can make work for earth dwellers. Snow may create dangerous conditions for homo sapiens like us. This is why it is sensible for us to consider the beauty and wonder of snow crystals. Doing so opens a new adventure for us each winter. Perhaps we need a name for this. This is my attempt: “Crystal Watch.”


Start a “Crystal Watch” club in your family.


You will join a very distinguished even famous group of “Crystal Watchers.” My favorite is Snowflake Bentley. His real name was Wilson. His first job was that of farmer. He milked cows, and lived in Vermont. He took exquisite photos of snow crystals. (My photos are very poor and ordinary in comparison.) Wilson Bentley lived from 1865 to 1931.


Crystal Watch Club Snow Watching suggestions:


Begin by examining snow crystals. Start with the snow crystal photos in this link. Next, watch the weather forecast for the next predicted snowfall. Locate dark colored paper, and a magnifying lens for everyone who will be viewing crystals. (Plastic is better, snow does not melt on it.) At the next snowfall, place your dark papers outside in a location where the snow crystals will not fall on the surface and melt on them. When your papers or plastic are the same temperature as the outside air, lay your dark papers on a protected area where the snow will fall on the surface. Now, take the lens and begin crystal watching!


Winter are usually long. Start your “Crystal Watching” club soon!

Look for more blogs on “Crystal Watching.” It is another way to get outside…




“He directs the snow to fall on the earth and tells the rain to pour down.

Job 37:6

Dear Creator Words reader, if you enjoyed this brief blog on snow crystals please share it with others. If you know Home school parents, share it with them. This blog is especially for Home School families.

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