The Faithful Witness


This is a waxing Gibbous Moon about 54% illuminated…taken 7-17-21…

This is an image of the moon taken approximately 24 hours later…it is in the Waxing Gibbous phase and  was over 60% illuminated…the reason for the the difference in background color…is my camera setting…don’t you like the craters?

This is an image of the moon taken approximately 24 hours later…it is in the Waxing Gibbous phase and was over 60% illuminated…the reason for the the difference in background color…is my camera setting…don’t you like the craters?

You may ask… “Why do you keep taking photos of the moon?”

You may also ask… “Why do you call the moon, “the faithful witness?”

You may toss one more question my way… “Don’t you think people will get bored with you always talking about the moon?

Three questions…three answers…

1.       Photos of the moon are evidence. They reveal its majesty and silent power. They reveal great mystery-part of the moon is always unilluminated-even a full moon only reveals one half. There has never been one word uttered from this planet…because “there is no man in the moon.” The moon is silent but shouts Creator!

2.       It is not my idea. You and I could never create something as magnificent as the moon. The moon is God’s “faithful witness.” When I use the term faithful witness I am quoting from God’s Word…Psalm 89: 37  “It will be as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!”

3.       Have you looked at the moon recently? No, really looked at it…taken minutes to view it? Can you honestly say, “It’s boring?”

Examine these two photos of the moon. Both are of the moon while it is waxing…that is each day it is more illuminated by the sun. First consider that the light of the moon is actually reflected sunlight. How does earth’s satellite reflect sunlight? Second, keep in mind that every evening while the moon is waxing the amount of sunlight illuminating the moon’s surface increases. Then remember that the moon goes through the same cycle-every 27 days:

🌑 New

🌒 Waxing Crescent

🌓 First Quarter

🌔 Waxing Gibbous

🌕 Full

🌖 Waning Gibbous

🌗 Third Quarter

🌘 Waning Crescent

Can you see the hand of God yet?

Have you examined the craters?

The moon is my first choice for “faithful witness. Watch it with me…know God exists.

David EllisComment