Go Outside...The Lay Back
Moms and Dads…have you been outside with your kids recently?
It’s summer in the northern hemisphere…the best time to be outside. Wait…anytime is a good time to be outside. Let’s clarify this…summer is the most comfortable time to be outside in the northern hemisphere. A possible exception is when the mosquitoes come out. Let’s clarify this comment as well…the prime time for mosquito activity is just after sunset. The pesky, biting blood suckers are active for nearly an hour after sunset. Then, they slow their feeding frenzy. What is the take away?
Let the sun set.
Wait 90 minutes before going into the dark night. The mosquitoes will be significantly fewer-even manageable. Have you or your children seen the summer night sky?
Now let’s get back to the purpose of this blog-the Lay Back.
A lay back is what the words suggest. Lay on your back…not on your family room floor…lay outside. To explain a “lay back” and why you should do one with your kids, let’s do a Q & A session…
Q-Why do a lay back?
A-It’s about perspective…We see things on our backs in the sky we do not see on our feet. We are still, not moving. Out attention is focused on the sky. While the sky seems too broad a subject for consideration…sky gazing-day or night produces a harvest of benefits. Remember, the purpose of a lay back is to connect you and your kids to nature. The more time you spend outside, the more connected you become. A lay back is a simple, yet powerful way to make nature connections.
Q-Where can we do a lay back?
A-Your backyard is a wonderful place to begin. It is likely the most comfortable and most convenient. Your neighbors may wonder-ask them to join you! Once you’ve done “lay-backs” in your backyard, graduate to nearby wild places.
Q-When should we do a lay back?
A-The quick answer-day or night. Once again, begin lay backs on a nice, dry day. Introduce the idea in perfect conditions…you can advance to less desirable conditions as your kids become familiar with and come to enjoy the lay back. Anytime of day is good for a lay back. Can you predict what time of day your family will like best? Now for a big tip: remember to keep your first lay backs short. Always stop when your kids are enjoying themselves. Don’t give in to their begging for the lay back to continue. As a response to begging for more plan the next lay back instead…the next day if possible…but it is a mistake give in…you want to establish a lay back as a favorite way to spend time together.
Q-What do we do on a lay-back?
A-Besides the obvious, teach your kids to scan the sky from horizon to horizon while laying on their backs. Consider this list:
· Scan the sky. Sunglasses help on sunny days.
· Close eyes and listen…seems like our ears work better on our backs.
· Watch clouds move…pick one and follow it with your eyes.
· Watch birds fly…till you cannot see them-without getting up.
· Take a nap if you get sleepy!
· At night watch the stars…this is awe inspiring…do this many clear nights…sleep in come morning.
· Last…once your kids are hooked-do the lay back in all types of weather…you’ll be amazed.
Q-Is there an age limit to the lay back?
A-None…old grandpas like me enjoy lay backs. If you are afraid of not getting up enlist someone to help you!