Creator Words

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Unseen Brother

 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28

What do we read in this verse?

God’s unfailing promise.

God’s guarantee is in this verse. God’s perfect pledge is for every person who believes it.


This verse calls us to-Love Him.

It tells us He works all things…even trouble and heart ache for good. The three-letter word all includes every part of life…the good, the bad. The verse doesn’t say your life will always be good. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.” The verse tells us God works all things- together-(sorrow, disaster, trouble, with hope, joy and peace)-and the end result is GOOD.


Do not over-look the qualification in this verse…good comes to those who love God.


Right now, we both want God’s promise of good for our lives. But can either of us say “I love you God?”

We can’t. Now hear the good news…Love comes from God!

“…let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God…” 1 John 4:7

Friend God gives us the ability to love Him when we ask. It’s God’s great desire that we love Him as He first loved us. Read the explanation of this verse written by John Piper in his book Future Grace…before you do, read Romans 8:28 again:


 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28


Now the quote: “Look through this promise to the One who promises, and by grace-that is by God’s sovereign call-apprehending in Him the spiritual worth and beauty that will go on satisfying your heart forever…then…embrace that beauty as your chief treasure above all that the world can give.”

Friend, look through this promise-see Jesus. He is the beautiful Savior.

He is the greatest treasure.

Only He can forgive our sins.

Only Jesus can satisfy our hearts…


One day ALL will see Him.