
Not you.

Or me...or any human to ever live.

We are definitely NOT perfect.

The only one to ever demonstrate complete obedience to God the Father is the One made perfect. The cross shows how He completely, perfectly He obeyed the will of God.

His name is Jesus.

But Jesus is more than perfect. Think of it:  "more than perfect." We wonder how is this possible. And we are reminded, all things are possible with the Son of God.

Who is Jesus? These Hebrews verses teach us:

Jesus is the "perfect Son of God."

Jesus is the "source of eternal salvation."

Jesus is "designated by God to be our great High Priest."

What's so good about Jesus? Begin with He is perfect. He’s the only perfect Human. Perfect in truth. Perfect in power. Perfect in love. Jesus shares our humanity-perfectly. He knows our sin weakened natures. Because He is one with the Father, Jesus is the source of perfect full forgiveness. We cannot approach God trusting our own goodness. God's perfect law justly condemns all human goodness because it is contaminated by sin. Yes, we are contaminated.

But He is the Perfect High Priest. He is gentle. He understands. He forgives us! He is the only One we can put our confidence. In Him we can stand before God. Jesus is the One, true High Priest. His love centered power and perfect authority are for you and me.

And everyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved from their sins.

Jesus is the source of eternal salvation.

Want perfection?

Its Jesus.

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