Blessed...the Ultimate Well Being

Jesus sat down on the mountain and began to teach.


Sit at Jesus’ feet.

We will learn from Him.


Why was Jesus on the mountain side?

Answer: The Creator of the universe had something to say. Crowds of people had followed Him there. Why were they following Jesus? Jesus had been healing them. Matthew wrote: “every disease and sickness.” So, large crowds followed Jesus…to the mountainside.


The Beatitudes are the first words Jesus spoke to them. Nine times Jesus used the word Blessed. The word means more than happy. Think of the word ultimate with blessed. Put “well-being” after ultimate.

When Jesus used the word blessed He was speaking of God’s best…God’s supreme…God’s highest for us.

Blessed are you…think of it! God’s best.God’s Supreme. God’s Highest.

Blessed-Given to us by God. We want to be blessed by God. He wants to bless us.


There is no thing better-ever.


Have you really thought about what Jesus said would be blessing to us?

+Hunger and thirst for righteousness.

+Being merciful

+Being pure in heart

+Being a peacemaker

+Being persecuted and insulted for Jesus’ sake


Be honest…can we really do these things? Do we actually want to?

Want the sad truth? By our own strength we can’t do any of these “Blessed.”

Take a breath…Remember? Whose feet are we sitting at?


The greatest teacher and greatest blessing is Jesus.

When we are weak…sorry to remind, that’s all the time…He is strong.

Jesus perfectly keeps the nine “Blessed” stated in the Beatitudes. His strength is for you and me. Bring the Beatitudes to Jesus. He gives us the want to and strength to obey and do them.

God’s best…God’s supreme…God’s highest…the ultimate blessing? Hear it again…is…

King Jesus.

David EllisComment