How to Enter Sabbath Rest

How often do you think about rest?

You know-cease movement, cease work with intention-Rest: to relax, to refresh, to recover. In the intense busy world we find ourselves in, rest often comes last, even seldom…Do we remember there is another rest? It seems certain that neither of us think of it often if ever.

This rest is “Sabbath Rest.” What is a “Sabbath Rest?” Seriously-you want this. The writer to the Hebrews takes up the subject…

At first, these verses were confusing to my finite mind. I read them yesterday. Quite unclear. Today, three things happened. First there was prayer that God would give understanding. Opening the Bible- the word Sabbath stood out. Third, the concordance helped.

There are two possible ways to understand this passage. Both are blessings. My counsel is choose both.

The first is God also rested. He rested from His work of creation. On the 7th day God rested. Likewise, we are to cease striving to save ourselves from sin and REST IN FINISHED WORK OF JESUS ON THE CROSS…a “Sabbath Rest.” We cannot save ourselves…only Jesus. Enter the Sabbath Rest anew today. Praise God for His rescue of your soul.

The second meaning of this passage is future. This meaning is dependent upon the work of Jesus on the cross. Believe in Jesus and the Eternal, heavenly Sabbath Rest is given. It’s that simple, believe in Jesus and the glorious future Sabbath Rest is given to you. Heaven- Eternal rest with God is the hope of every believer.

 But wait, don’t think this Heavenly Sabbath Rest will be dull. We are not going to be taking forever Sunday afternoon naps. Instead, we will be in the presence of Jesus and God our Father…His Sabbath Rest will include worship, and serving Him in heaven. What will it be like to spend eternity with God who is infinitely creative? What will it be like to be in a forever place where there is only love, joy, peace, hope, and mercy? What will it be like to never experience death, sorrow, suffering, hate, anger, and sickness?

Here's absolute truth: we cannot imagine the glory that awaits those who believe in Jesus. The glory, joy, delight and hope that awaits in heaven for those who believe is significantly beyond human ability to understand.

Call it glorious.

So…while it is still called today, believe in Jesus.

Enter God’s Sabbath rest.

David EllisComment