Tasteless Salt

Whats that? Salt without taste? What kind of salt is that?

Jesus gave an explanation:

The words of Jesus, Savior of the World:

 ““Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? Flavorless salt is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!””

Luke 14:34-35

There is a distinct character in one who believes in Jesus. Think of it as saltiness. Jesus did.

Jesus gives eternal character flavor to every person who believes in Him and lives for Him.

How can this be?

Remember the cost of being a disciple of Jesus?

Its Jesus first-before family, before friends. Jesus first-before possessions…and think about it-it’s all His already. What seasons a disciple of Jesus? Renouncing everything…allowing Jesus to be first.

Jesus ends His teaching about the price of being one of His believers with the explanation of what happens to salt when it loses its flavor. It’s not salt…it’s worthless.

Did you know part of  Roman soldier’s salary was salt? The expression “not worth their salt” comes from this fact. A poor soldier wasn’t “worth his salt.” During the ministry of Jesus on earth there was no electricity.  Salt, not electricity preserved food. Historically, salt was important.

Jesus could say “salt is good” and He could say salt that had lost its flavor was to be thrown out. People knew what He meant. It is good for the rest of the world when you or I believe in Jesus. The world needs the “salt” of Jesus.

And why does the world need Jesus? The world has a sin problem. Don’t look around. Look within yourself. The problem with sin begins with you and me. Only Jesus can purify us from sin. His presence in any life is the “salt”.

As salt preserves food. Only Jesus can preserve us from the coming day of judgment when all people once living and living will be judged for their sins. We are foolish to dismiss this as a kooky idea. The book of truth, the Bible is very clear about this.

My guess is you haven’t been thinking about salt. But now, thanks to Luke, we are. It’s something important for us to consider today-salt with no taste.

Living life without Jesus is like salt with no taste…fit only to be thrown away.

God enable us to believe. Make us salty.

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