The Place For Rejects

Know what an outcast is?

Try "reject" it's the current term for a person no one else wants to be with. You're out. Others cast you away. They turn and walk the other way just to get away from you. An outcast is unwanted. Outcasts get no sympathy either.

There is more than one way to be an outcast.

Physical disability can do it.

For some, the kind of work they do makes them outcasts.

Then there are the things we've done. We can become outcasts because of our behavior. And both of us have behavior that could make us an outcast.

It’s lonely being an outcast. The outcast deals with guilt and shame. Mental anguish is harsh. Sometimes there is anger at the injustice of being an outcast. Yes, it feels unfair-when you are outcast. The stigma of being unacceptable to others is a burden which can be overwhelming.

Want the truth? You and I are outcasts.

Sinners are rejects.

Sinners are outside of God's kingdom. That makes us outcasts in God’s world.

God is holy and righteous.

As sinners we are outcasts far from righteous.

But look! The outcasts came to Jesus. The people that the rest of Jewish society rejected and spurned were received by Jesus. Jesus not only welcomed them. He ate with them.

Jesus loves outcasts.

He welcomes us when we seek Him.

“Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.””

Luke 15:1-2

Nothing you or I have done can make us an outcast with Jesus.


He already knows what make us outcasts. Draw near to Him.

He calls rejects, "Come to me..."

David EllisComment