No Stray Cat

Gray outside.

Technicolor inside.

Gray Catbird.

Mimic marvel.

Impersonates cats, other birds, tree frogs…

even man-made sounds.

Sound like a cat in the bushes?

Make it a gray catbird.

This bird can make two sounds at once…

and sing without pause for 10 minutes.

Gray catbirds are migratory marvels.

Mexico their winter home, summers with us.

Seldom still, fueled by a diet of insects, fruit and if you have it…

Grape jelly.

Gray catbirds reject the parasitic cow bird’s eggs…

they’re punctured and tossed from the nest.

Who gives the catbird its song?

How does it reject the cowbird eggs?


God asked Job similar questions:

“Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom  and spread its wings toward the south?

Does the eagle soar at your command and build its nest on high?” Job 39:26-27

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