Creator Words Fall Photo Gallery 2022

A few days ago, my wife and I went with friends to a 10,000 acre state park. Our purpose was to see fall color. As you will see from the photos, it is a premiere place for fall color. The photos are in the order they were taken. (Less spectacular photos in the sequence were eliminated.) Only those my photographer eyes determined to be the best of the group got into this gallery. All photos were taken in the afternoon light-but there was a thin layer of clouds which diffused the brightness of the afternoon sun.

I took photos from one of the highest points of the park, Halloway Hill. There was beautiful fall color at every turn. We took the park drive next. Do you like photos of a road that disappears around a curve? So do I.

Please enjoy this virtual BEST of FALL Photo Gallery from Creator Words.

(If you like what you see, would you do me a favor? Please share this website on your social media platform. I am sure you know others who would enjoy this seasonal beauty! Thank you for sharing.) To view photos individually click on the photo.

Before you view the photos-here’s a question to keep in mind-Where does color come from?

(I believe the answer is found below the photos…)

Psalm 24:1

A psalm of David.

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.

David Ellis2 Comments