You Little Rodent

Officially Tamias striatus striatus…

the little rodent with stripes works.

But that sounds derogatory.

Keep it at Eastern Chipmunk…in fall “Puffy Cheeks.”

It can out-run me…

Top speed of 20 MPN.

Fast for something weighing 2-4 ounces.

Puffy Cheeks?

Chipmunks store up to ½ bushel of seeds and nuts.

How do they know?

Winter is approaching.

This little rodent was storing Red Oak acorns.

Call it a caching expert.

How to make ½ bushel last all winter?

Torpor…lower the body temperature, slow metabolism.

Eat on mild days.

Sleep in deep cold.

Here’s another word description for the little rodent?



Question…Does it seem believable that all the survival traits of the Eastern Chipmunk just came together-they organized themselves into the chipmunk?

The Bible gives us an answer:

Genesis 1:25

“God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.”

David EllisComment