Freedom in Truth
This is for those living in the north country of the northern hemisphere. But,it turns out this is for all-regardless of where you call home. With a few exceptions, most of us delight in spending time outside.
The air is better.
The human soul is lifted…really.
Physically, we feel better. Blood pressure lowers, pulse rate slows, time outside is healthy.
Everything changes when our ears pick up the buzz of a wasp. Nerves instantly go on alert. When our eyes confirm the telling black yellow stripes of the yellow jacket…well, the blessings of being outside diminish significantly. If you’ve ever been stung by one, seeing a yellow jacket may be enough to begin a quick journey indoors. You know they only intensify their annoying, way too near, buzzing if there is food nearby.
There is good reason to have a serious, even fearful respect of the yellow jacket. They can fly up to 30 miles per hour. A human cannot out run them. When comes to size, yellow jackets are small, about 12 mm in length…for those not on the metric system-about a half inch. They weigh a miniscule .0014 of an ounce! Yet, the sting of a yellow jacket or seriously much worse, a swarm may cause some to experience difficulty breathing. In rare cases-death. There, the truth is out. Yellow jackets can be a painful problem. There are sixteen species of them in North America, but some specie of yellow jacket can be found world wide-except at the poles.
Here’s the first truth. Yellow jackets have an important function in the natural world. Yellow jackets are necessary to maintain the balance of insect populations. The earth needs yellow jackets. (Like it or not-that means humans need them as well.) As carnivores, they are prolific insect eaters. The problems come when they interact with humans.
There is freedom in truth. There are times when our outdoor plans run into a yellow jacket problem. Then it is often most wise to leave the area, remove the food, or go inside. But knowing the truth may provide the freedom to remain outside. Truth you may not know: Not every insect that looks like a yellow jacket is a yellow jacket.
In the natural world there is a phenomenon known as mimicry. Mimicry is when one living thing looks like a living thing that is dangerous-like the yellow jacket. While bees resemble yellow jackets, they are never as aggressive as the yellow jacket. We mistakenly identify bees, busy pollinating bees, as yellow jackets.
Meet the non-lethal syrphid fly…harmless, beautiful and able to hover fly like a helicopter.
It is the copy-cat mimicry of the syrphid fly that is even closer to the coloration and pattern of a yellow jacket. Has it sunk in yet? A syrphid fly mimics, resembles, a yellow jacket. Think about it…this insect is a fly. It does not have a stinger, and unlike the common fly it doesn’t even bite.
It looks like a yellow jacket…dangerous. But…it is a fly. This mimicry protects the syrphid fly. It looks like a stinging aggressive, “stay away from me” yellow jacket. It’s harmless…but looks harmful. Syrphid flies do not have antennae, they have big eye-fly eyes that bulge…even the pattern is slightly different. To tell them apart it is necessary to look carefully. It is possible to know the difference between the harmless syrphid fly and the venomous yellow jacket. Not everyone takes time to discern the truth between wasp and fly. Knowing the truth may allow you freedom to remain outside and gain the benefits of fresh air and all-around beauty.
Knowing about mimicry is truth which can make a difference enjoying time outside. Call it a detail of truth. It can make life easier.
There is truth which is eternal…life changing. Like the comparison of yellow jacket and syrphid fly many of us do not take the time to discern this eternal truth.
Knowing this truth is forever freedom. Humans have a venomous, deadly enemy. Worse, this enemy is invisible. More terrifying than either of these is this truth: this deadly, invisible enemy has one goal: the forever destruction of our souls. Our souls are the part of us that thrill to a sunrise or sunset, or the roar of surf on the shore and the vast expanse of the ocean. Our souls exist forever. Humans have a soul enemy. He has a name: Satan. He is infinitely more deadly than a yellow jacket.
Knowing the truth about the mimicry of they syrphid fly may free us to remain outside-without fear of yellow jackets.
The truth about mimicry my save your picnic.
The truth about the enemy of our souls can save your soul-for eternity.
Jesus spoke the truth.
He is the truth.
Consider His soul saving words…
…Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
Jesus also said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
There is freedom in truth.
For picnics…but most importantly for life everlasting. Little truths often lead to the greatest truth.