The Foundation

Do you like justice?

We both do.

Deny fairness, honesty and integrity…

…we are hurt, dismayed, even angry.

Denial of justice suffocates the human soul.

Justice and righteousness walk together.

They are difficult to see in the world today.

The drought of righteousness and justice should not surprise anyone.

We find ourselves in a sin filled world.

Fact…we are neither righteous or just.

Wickedness, depravity, immorality, unbelievable evil…

exist in every human alive.

Do you like justice?

How about righteousness?

Recognize the facts-do not expect them from people…

Yet…there is hope-forever hope.

Righteousness, justice, love and faithfulness come from God.

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;

love and faithfulness go before you.

Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,

who walk in the light of your presence, Lord. Psalm 89:14-15

Do you have doubts about the existence of righteousness and justice…look at the heavens. They declare the glory of God. A certainly as clouds move above the earth… righteousness and justice come from God.

David EllisComment