Tangible Evidence

It’s late winter. The air temperature has been below zero for the past 264 hours. We live near the center of North America, 4.5 hours south of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The warmest morning during this time span was -2 degrees Fahrenheit. At the start of the coldest morning, the temperature was a numbing -27 degrees Fahrenheit. Examine these facts another way, that’s 11 days and nights below zero. Continuous…without a break, every minute below zero. These facts do not include the wind chill…smile with me. Mid North America weather has been cold. Now another fact to give attention -this is normal for this time of year.

Though this is not about me, you should know my last 264 hours were spent mostly inside. We have wood heat. Our house is warm…like 70 degrees…above zero. Keep this fact in mind as we continue.

We both like birds. While I was mostly inside, where were the birds during this time of rigorous arctic air? We both know…outside…no heat, no walls, no roof overhead. Outside…24/7 for the entire 11 days and nights. Did every bird survive these extreme temperatures? Not likely. Those become food for the decomposers of the food chain. This statement does not lack compassion, rather it is fact. Death is a part of every living thing on earth, and let’s put this in print-my life and yours.

Next question-did most birds survive? Absolutely.

It has been my experienced amateur opinion that birds are evidence of a Creator. Yes, this is contradictory to evolutionary science. But look at the birds. There have been birds for all of recorded history. And…guess what? There have been subzero temperatures like those just described for centuries, even millennia. The Lesser Canada Geese you see in the photos with this blog are descendants of generations of Lesser Canada geese. My premise is birds had the survival tools needed from the beginning. The idea that time passed and the birds developed adaptations for survival is not logical.

With air temperature near zero degrees these Lesser Canada geese tucked their feet into the warmth of their down feathers and rested till the evening feeding flight.

Observe two features in the physical make up of winter birds.  Downy feathers, night torpor, or slowed metabolism were needed from the beginning. When cold came birds were predesigned to survive it. Have you been thinking about spending 11 days and nights, 264 hours in subzero temperatures? Think about it. These Lesser Canada Geese do it…every winter. You and I would freeze to death.

Take a closer look at these two. First, there is down. Feathers are not disgusting, they are miracles. Down may be the greatest of all feather miracles. It is still one of the very best insulators in the world. It is estimated that an ounce of down feathers has up to 2 million crisscrossing fibers which trap body heat by creating pockets of air.

Do you know how to explain that? Neither do I…except that down is very warm and life giving to the bird.

Second, at night… these geese as well as other birds, “turn down the central heating system.” Biologists call it “torpor.” Many birds are able to regulate body temperature and metabolism by a night long period of hibernation. Pulse rate slows, the heart beats more slowly, the temperature of the bird lowers and metabolism slows. This is astonishing. And this miracle goes unnoticed, largely unappreciated by both of us.

You and I would not want to trade places with winter waterfowl.

But, remember, things in nature do not operate on a human operational plan. Nature is controlled by God. He did not make this world and walk away from it. He made the sun to rise today and set tonight. He created down feathers, the layer of feathers above them, and installed what we might describe as inner thermostats in every bird. Not one bird must remember to turn down the thermostat at night, or turn it up in the morning. It’s preset. Each bird born with the ability and feathers it needs to survive 264 hours of below zero days and nights…and every other below freezing night of winter.

Is this preposterous thinking? Is this thinking delusional? Is it unscientific? No, no, and no.

Now, if you are thinking there must be a documented reason to explain these phenomenal bird facts or you cannot accept them as truth, you won’t find them. A biologist’s report will not contain them. Remember, all of the science reasons we have to explain how life exists on earth are hypotheses we take as fact. Think about it this way. Does love exist? To conclude, where does love come from? Love exists, what is its origin. We both know…the origin of love has the same originator the birds have: God. And God has a fully documented report…it’s all truth. This report is called the Bible.

That is why this Bible phrase is becoming one of my favorites… “look at the birds of the air.” Jesus spoke these words while on earth. He made the birds we delight in. They show us God’s divine nature and power…and love. Birds are tangible evidence of God’s power presence and love. Cold weather birds shout of the power and presence of a Creator.


Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26

Why is this bird identified as a Lesser Canada Goose? Look at its neck…Greater Canada geese have long necks. This bird has a short neck, and its body size is smaller than the Greater Canada goose. Since there is no Canada Goose to compare with-please take my word.

This bird opened its mouth as the shutter was released. There was no sound. Do birds yawn?

Question…what sights has this eye seen? Most are events you and I will never experience.

Can you see the peace and tranquility here?

With down, specialized metabolism, food and water, this Lesser Canada Goose is able to live and thrive in subzero temperatures…God provides. He does the same for us.

David EllisComment