Complaint or Contentment

When God frosts the world around you with frozen diamonds, it is difficult to complain.

When God frosts the world around you with frozen diamonds, it is difficult to complain.

As the New Year began, the reminder of how to move into the new year, shared for both of us, was “Teach us to number our days.” These words of Moses are almost as old as the hills. They are true for eternity.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

The memories of the old year remain fresh. The hope of things to come walks with the start of this new year. While reading yesterday, I found this writing from Oxford Professor E. B. Pusey (1800-1882). The counsel he offers is part of learning to “number our days.”

“Never allow yourself to complain about anything-not even the weather.

Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or anywhere else.

Never compare your lot with another’s.

Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.

Never dwell on tomorrow-remember that tomorrow is God’s, not ours.”

Now…don’t shout impossible!

Make no excuses…

Reach around behind your head and grab your collar. Pull yourself up.

This five-line counsel from a professor who lived more than 140 years ago is for us-today. Allow me to paraphrase it-for both of us.

No complaining…especially not weather.

No wishing you were somewhere else, doing something else.

The other person has problems like we do.

“Would have…” “should have…” “could have…” all are passed-forget them.

We have today…it’s God’s gift…be content.

The next words are from the Apostle Paul. He had many reasons to complain. He suffered countless problems. He experienced numerous unpleasant life events-yet he could write about contentment.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,” Philippians 4:12

Our closing fact:

Learning to number our days requires contentment.

Where is it found?

Contentment comes from God…start 2021 with Him. Ask Him to join you on the journey. He will.

Go outside. Learning to number our days is greatly fostered by seeing the power and divine nature of God in creation…outside.

Go outside. Learning to number our days is greatly fostered by seeing the power and divine nature of God in creation…outside.

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