Everyone Does This



There are no exceptions with this.

Not one human who has ever breathed earth’s air and walked its soil has failed to do this.  Absolutely no one.

How we respond to this truth impacts our now and our forever.

Wildlife Habitat

 In the Bible book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon summarizes what is true for every human. He devotes an entire chapter to the subject. He leaves no question about what is coming…no doubt. We all know where we will end our earthly lives. GPS is not needed to find our final destination. All arrive at the same place. You’ve likely guessed. But there is no need to become depressed about this truth. No need for gloom. It is a certain reality for everyone. Solomon’s words are best, we find his words in chapter 9 verse 12 of the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon is blunt. He states, “No person knows when their hour will come...”

 He’s speaking of our eventual death. We will one day all come to the time of life’s end. All. Everyone. No exceptions. Solomon, the earth’s wisest man, said it specifically, “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.”

 Do we think about our coming deaths?

Certainly, there is a balance to thinking about the end of life. Yes, dwelling on our deaths is unhealthy, even morbid. But, keeping the fact that we are closer to our deaths today than yesterday-is not. It is about a life perspective.  The question is how do we LIVE knowing the end of life is coming?

Here we find one of life’s greatest questions. How do we live, knowing we will someday die? Keeping this question in mind effects the rest of our living.

Agassiz Waterfowl Production Area

 First, we must acknowledge the fact that in the unknown future our death will arrive. There are two ways to do business with this: ignore the inevitable, or prepare for it.

 Consider ignoring death. We are quite good at ignoring things .... You know, ignore it and it will go away? But-death is certain, it’s absurd to ignore it. Ignoring a thing as certain as death cannot be a successful life strategy- but if a person chooses; it is an option. God is grieved but He allows it.

 The second response is to acknowledge our coming deaths. We can prepare for them that way. Live like there is an eternity, because there is. The first step of preparation is confession, dealing with our sins. Like it or not- both of us are sinners. If we confess our sins God is faithful.  And the amazing part-He forgives us...every time, everyday, everywhere...no exceptions ever. God forgives sin, period. What comes next step in acknowledging our coming death is wonderful.  Solomon does not advise we curl up in a fetal position and wait for the end. He counsels us to live! Enjoy what God provides: family, good food, and the work you find to do. Solomon adds this about living, “we will find no life in the grave where we are going.” He admonishes us: “Live!”  Live.  Bring honor and praise to God...every day of life is His gift to us. A person who does this loses nothing. We gain. How do we live for God? He gave us His Word the Bible as a life guide, and He invites us to pray. Keeping in mind that our death is coming has an impact of every decision we make while living.

 We deceive ourselves when we think we are in control of our lives. We have life because God chooses to give it to us. We are to live it for His glory…not ours.  Yes, a life lived for God will still have problems... but a human on God’s path gains a second life-an eternal one. No death is found in heaven.


How do we exist with this mountain of truth looming in front of us every day?

The Red River Valley

 If you are reading this God has given you another day. What you’ve planned-enjoy. Remember where it all comes from... thank God. Consider the counsel of Solomon...we can prepare for the unknown “hour” that will come. How? We can tell God we want to be ready and put our brief lives in His control. Is this a wise idea? No doubt. Everyone will die. Regrettably, not everyone will trust God. God is beckoning…it does not need to be you.

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