“The Good Old Days”

Cedar Waxwing

“Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.” Ecclesiastes 7:10

What is our response to a bad day? Do you find yourself thinking that past days were good? Sometimes, we want to go back to the “good old days.” We think life seemed better years ago. Was it? When the past seems better than today it is because we have forgotten. Remember? We have short memories.


What does Solomon write many times? “There is nothing new under the sun. What has been will be again.”


Actually, the question is flawed. It’s “not wise” to ask it.


Because, we can’t go back. Then, wanting to creates dissatisfaction which leads to unhappiness. Another thing-asking that question keeps us from the true solution.


When we find ourselves discouraged by the present circumstances of life-look ahead instead of back.

What’s so good about that you ask?

Frugivorous Cedar Waxwings

 God directs our every moment. Not for one moment should we think differently. Allow me just one proof-look at the Cedar Waxwings. While science has provided no insight into bird thought. It is highly likely birds do not wish for the good old days. Birds live today. Jesus reminded us to consider the birds of the air. He taught, “They neither sow nor reap nor store in barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.” Matthew 6. If you read the rest of what Jesus said at the time, you’ll come to these words, “Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Cedar Waxwing


God reminds us today, “Look forward. You can’t go back.”

What lies ahead?


Believe Jesus when He says, “I am the way the truth and the life.” Then, the good days are ahead!

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