Your New Pastime
There is so much to see in clouds.
Birding is recreational.
It refreshes the human heart. Birds live outside. Outside time build immune systems for humans. Outside reduces stress, increases the capacity for joy and optimism. Birding is good for humans.
I have a refreshing idea for you.
Try “clouding.” Clouding is like birding, you watch them like birds, yes, you watch clouds. Birders observe birds and discover delightful bird behaviors. Birders go to places where there are birds. But they watch birds wherever they are. Those who watch and observe clouds discover delightful shapes, colors and the shifting of light. They witness power. They watch clouds, wherever they are. Birders know mornings and evenings are best bird times. Those who watch clouds know the best times for clouds are morning and evening, but afternoons are good, and whenever there are clouds in the sky.
Join me…we’ll call ourselves “Clouders”
Birders delight in bird behavior, coloration, and some go airborne if a rare bird is sighted and they actually see it. These birds are called “lifers.” Avid birders will drive for hours for the opportunity to observe a rare bird species…a “lifer.” A legitimate Ivory Billed woodpecker sighting in a specific Louisiana forest would initiate a stampede of birders to Louisiana. It is a phenomenon…and almost unexplainable. But… it’s truly OK. To become excited about a living creature with feathers which can fly is something which adds a wonderful richness to life.
“Clouders” delight in clouds.
A “clouder’s” world contains cumulus, cirrus, and status clouds and the many variations which occur within each type. They appreciate rare clouds. My personal favorites are the Cumulonimbus, the powerful thunderstorms which, “brew” up on a warm summer afternoon. Clouds are phenomenal as well. They, like birds can generate a lot of excitement. What may be a ‘clouder’s” favorite thing about clouding? Clouds are always changing. Or perhaps it is the relaxation which comes from clouding. Then, again, it may be the immensity and beauty of clouds.
Need something to do with your kids? Maybe just you? Go outside, sit on the grass, look up at the clouds. Go clouding. Guess what? You will like it. It’s free!
Mammatus clouds, just over our house, last summer.
One of my favorite cloud photos: I call it ”Glimpse into Heaven.”