Watch and Be Wary
Mom! Dad! This bird can become an excellent model to teach your children to watch out for our cmoon enemy…Satan. Us this bird to enable your children to see what “watcfulness” is. We are very casual about the real enemy. The Red bellied Woodpeckers teaches us about being vigilant and alert. Find one and watch…you’ll see!
I invite you to read about the Red Bellied Woodpecker, then take your kids on a RBWO (birder code) hunt. Observe how alert they are!
To be shy is to be wary and cautious. Shyness is a human character trait. Shy humans are often reluctant to be in public view. Sometimes we call them introverts. One aspect of shyness we can all benefit from is to be wary.
Birds aren’t shy. The best descriptor for bird behavior we might consider shy is the word cautious. A bird that is not vigilant is soon a pile of feathers. Birds are watchful and alert to danger, they never relax.
In my opinion one of the most vigilant of all birds is the Red Bellied Woodpecker. Need an example of extremely cautious? Try some bird therapy, spend a half hour watching the Red-Bellied Woodpecker.
You will witness extreme carefulness, alert watchfulness, and cautious vigilance…in a bird. We can learn about caution and alertness from a woodpecker…the Red bellied Woodpecker!
What do you think?
What is this Red bellied Woodpecker looking at? Answer…me…in a photography blind. It could not see me, only my camera lens protruded out of the blind. But…this bird was alert to my presence. Without the blind, there would have been no photo. That is wary to the extreme…when it comes to watching out for the enemy of our soul, this bird can teach us about being alert.
Let’s answer some questions for you…
Where could we see one?
Red bellied Woodpeckers (Melanerpes Carolinus) are found throughout the Southeastern and central United States. They are extending their range into North Central North America. But…to see one keep in mind they are exceptionally cautious.
What kind of habitat?
To a Red bellied Woodpecker trees are essential. Specifically, trees with leaves on them, call them deciduous forests, even more, trees near water, along rivers, lakes and swamps. They do not need to fly far for water this way.
What do Red Bellied Woodpeckers eat?
They eat the things they find in trees. Trees are habitat for numerous insects and invertebrates. Trees are the places this woodpecker may find seeds, acorns, nuts, fruits and other seeds. Now the big word…eating invertebrates, and seeds makes the Red bellied Woodpecker an Omnivore…one eating plants and animals. Don’t forget…with a bill made for wood boring, the Red bellied Woodpecker can eat invert This fact explains another RBWO (Birder’s Code) marvel. The RBWO can extend its tongue two inches beyond its tongue. Those invertebrates cannot escape easily!
You get one guess where they build their nests!
TREES! If you had a wood boring tool like the Red bellied Woodpecker, you can “design” your own nest cavity…in a tree trunk.
Did you know there is another reason to pay close attention to this bird?
Remember we said this bird was wary or cautious? Watch this bird and discover what cautious looks like. Why should we be cautious? We have an enemy. All humans have the same one. The Bible describes this enemy as a “roaring lion.” Anyone who has actual experience with a roaring lion will confirm-they are dangerous! So is Satan. His goal? Destroy our souls. Actually, this bird therapy may save your soul!
Watch the Red bellied Woodpecker, discover how to watch for our human enemy. This bird is always cautious…continuously alert. With an enemy as powerful and real as a roaring lion…We are wise to follow its example.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Should we be surprised that a woodpecker can teach us a spiritual truth? God made this bird! He made it beautiful for our enjoyment. He designed it to be wary and alert. We certainly can use it to be a model of spiritual alertness for us and our children. This bird models real alertness…it makes it easier to understand what the Bible means about watching for the “roaring lion.”.