Rustproof Treasure

Pirates did not know this. They buried treasure. They displayed dismal intelligence. First the treasure was stolen. Second, they buried it. Others found it and took it. Storms washed it away. Sometimes they couldn’t find it. They did not know you cannot store treasures on earth.

The nature of a pirate is in us.

No, we don’t roam oceans in a ship seeking to attack and steal treasure. But, like pirates, we do attempt to hoard earthly treasure. Some find ways to steal the treasure of others. We have modern treasure chests to hide our treasures. From large sheds to wealth stored on paper, we “store up” treasure. But not one of these is permanent storage. Often, we forget, when we die all of it stays on earth.

The Rabbi, the Teacher, the One teaching on the mountain that day, gave a message about storing treasure. It is a message of love given to us…about earthly treasure.

He said:

Jesus said it: “moth and rust” destroy earthly treasures. “Thieves break in and steal.” There’s another way to understand this. Nothing you and I own on earth is safe from decay or theft. We both know it’s true. There is no thing that does not deteriorate. Time will eventually destroy our possessions. When we die the financial assets we have become worthless. They are transferred to someone else.

The One who knows all things and loves us-Jesus- says, “store your treasures in Heaven.”

How do we store treasures in Heaven?

Make Jesus your Financial Advisor. Put God first. Allow Him to be Caretaker of your earthly treasure.

+Begin to give a portion of your money to a church that follows Jesus. Ask Jesus to give you courage to give your money to Him while you live on earth.

+Second, we store up treasure in heaven by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. Yes, ask Jesus to give you courage to love your neighbor.


Now, read verse 24 once more…Pirates were not thinking about loving their neighbors as they pillaged ships…the pirate in us causes us to live for self. Another reason to store treasure in heaven is God’s direction that we put Him first in all things…especially with our money and the earthly possessions He allows us to have. All we have is God’s. Start with that truth in mind. Then give to God of your possessions and yourself.


Storing treasure in heaven is the greatest adventure in life.

Ask Jesus about it.

His plan is best-and He will show us the way.

This is the only way to “Rustproof treasure.”

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