Your Debt: Paid

Debt more payments. Debt collectors never come back. Paid-in full forever. Sound good? It's better than good. This debt is not of money. It is a failure to perfectly fulfill God's law. You know...those 10 Commandments? The law that says "no idols, love your neighbors...all of them, the law that tells us to keep our hands off of other people’s things. It's the law which says honor your father and mother.

That law. All 10 are still in force.

And you are right-neither of us can keep one of them. Yes, I'm serious. We break God's Law every day. I know, I know...we can't help it. It's in our very nature to say "NO" to what God says. Yeah, we do it daily.

When we break human laws there is punishment...sometimes prison. Remember what the punishment for breaking God's laws is? It's Death-PLUS. Right. Punishment for breaking God's eternal laws is not only death...forever hell is part of the package. You know what this means? You and I have a massive problem. Death+Hell is what everyone who breaks God's Law deserves. Want the sad truth? No human...not one is exempt.

Are you wondering how could God be so severe? How could God be so unfair? Are you thinking "what's the use? This is impossible."

God is infinitely, perfectly righteous. We are the exact opposite of righteous. Left to ourselves we cannot become righteous...our sin separates us from God. Are you wondering if I'm just a kook? Maybe some kind of weird religious fanatic?


Read what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount:

Seriously...the scribes and Pharisees were ultimate religious people. Jesus said our righteousness had to be more than theirs. Not one of them met God's laws. Everyone fell short. We're back to not one is righteous...not one.

Did you notice that Jesus came "to fulfill" the law and the prophets? Jesus is the answer. There IS ONE RIGHTEOUS: His Name is Jesus. He kept all of God's laws...all! He fulfilled God's perfect requirements...He shed His blood on the cross.

What does that mean for you. For me?

Remember our debt? Our sin debt is enormous...we add to it daily. Jesus died to pay our debt of sin. All of it. Forever. Jesus is the sinless person God requires us to be. Look! Jesus takes away the sins of the world. Did you read the "ball spike" in these verses? Somewhere, someone will say "No, this is not the way it is. Sin is not a problem...This Jesus stuff is so out of date nowadays."

Do not be fooled.

Read these words carefully again:

"For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." honest with yourself...I'm trying too ...we have huge problem with sin. It’s one no one can solve by their own power.

Jesus said plainly-“I am the Way.”

From where I sit… with Jesus we have nothing to lose...eternity to gain...debt paid!

David EllisComment