Creator Words

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The Best Equation

This is about an equation.

It is not mathematical, but can be written mathematically. It is an equation for humans. The answer to the equation is “The Best Life.” This formula did not originate in the mind of any human. This comes from an infinite, all powerful, everywhere present mind: God’s. Follow this equation, live life to the full.

 That day on the mountain side nine blessings were given. They were not idle speech. Behind all nine is power. This power brings the sun above the horizon today. This power holds uncounted galaxies in place…now. This power spoke nine blessings on a mountain in northern Israel centuries ago. These blessings are still in force.


Before we leave them reread them.

Now… know these are the blessings promised to those who repent of their sins and trust Jesus for righteousness. Jesus-the Power of the Universe-gives them to those who believe in Him. Feel the weight of this truth. These are the goodness of God given to us!


Perhaps Jesus paused briefly after giving these blessings. Of all speakers who ever gave a speech Jesus is the best. He could hold the attention of the crowd. In the remaining Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls those listening to “be good and do good.”


Does this seem trivial? Not when Jesus gives the call. The words Jesus used in place of good were “salt and light.” As we continue through this message of Jesus given on a mountain, we will come to the specific ways those who believe in Jesus are to be “salt plus light.”  It is not a modern chemical equation. It is the nitroglycerin of Jesus’ presence in the life of those who believe in Him. Not ordinary seasoning like salt, not a preservative, and not a light on a dark night. It is the SALT+LIGHT of Jesus. Nothing compares.


It is a metaphor yes. A metaphor compares two unlike things…the Master Teacher uses the metaphor of salt and light to enable us to understand how disciples of Jesus are to live…


Salt seasons. Salt preserves. A disciple of Jesus brings love. A disciple of Jesus knows the source of hope of life forever. Love delightfully seasons. Hope forever preserves. This world, you, me, our neighbors need this “salt.”


As light…

“Light is the universal symbol for what is beneficial to people.” Remember Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” Put these together: Jesus+light+ beneficial. For the world! A disciple of Jesus has the light of Jesus. And the first thing about Jesus is love. Love is light. The love of God shines in this dark world. A disciple of Jesus brings love where there is hatred and darkness. The world needs this light…desperately.


Sit quietly a few moments. Read the power words of Jesus given on the mountain:

If Jesus calls His disciples to be “salt and light” doesn’t it seem certain that He will give them the power to fulfill His command?