Worry Your Way to a Longer Life?

So, can you?


Can you actually worry your way to a longer life? Perhaps you are thinking, why didn’t someone tell me? Did I miss the memo? Is it possible to worry my way to a longer life? If this is true, it’s like finding the actual Fountain of Youth!


What’s that you say?


You knew it, didn’t you? No one can worry their way to a longer life. It has never happened. Never will. Besides, worry does not seem to be a pleasant thing to be doing more of. Anxiety is never pleasant.


Let’s talk about anxiety. Because living life in a constant state of anxiety is not the way you and I want to live. Let this soak our consciousness. Anxiety is an unpleasant combination of emotions. Some of them are fear, worry, nervousness, apprehension, tension and STRESS.


Next for the sad truth: Every human is anxious...some of us more than others. Anxiety does not lead to a longer life.


Next question. Why are we anxious?


Here's the quick answer. We are anxious because the world is full of problems.


Many of them directly influence our lives. We try to control or fix the problems but we can't.

So-What does this have to do with being anxious? Because if we are honest, we know we aren't in control. Our anxiety comes from the intuitive realization that when it really matters-we can't control things. Knowing life is out of my control…causes anxiety.


Feel better?

You will if you take what comes next and let it steep in your mind until you believe it.


Don't be anxious-its what Jesus tells us. You know, ...Jesus...the Savior of the world...the ONE who has all power...the same ONE who made the sun rise again today.


Next question-Does Jesus have the power, wisdom and authority to say to you and me, "Don't be anxious?"

Yes. Jesus can say don’t worry-He has the power to back up His words.


Read the words of Jesus.


“And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?”

Luke 12:22-25


Next question...one from Jesus- "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" Think of it! In the history of the world has there ever been one person who lived longer because they worried a lot? No-we cannot worry our way to a longer life.


Last question (for this blog). Who is it who counsels us to not be anxious? This is so wonderful...Jesus! All things are in His hands. Let’s repeat it again: HE HAS CONTROL. Everything in the universe operates under His control. Unlike you and me, He never makes a mistake. So, my dear friend...don't be anxious. Jesus said so.


Instead of anxiety-give your worries to Jesus...His love for us never fails. And one other thing-there is a true Fountain of Youth. It’s the forgiveness of sins Jesus gives to all who believe in Him. Jesus makes this promise to those who believe in Him,“You’ll be with me in heaven.”

We know heaven is forever.

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