Creator Words

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Misery, Misfortune and Disaster

Woe…we mean misery, misfortune and disaster-woe is an ugly lamination of human grief. Centuries ago Jesus spoke woe to a group of religious leaders. These were people in authority. Why did Jesus speak the word “woe” to the lawyers? (These lawyers were experts in Jewish law.) Why? Jesus put woe on the lawyers because they deprived the truth to people they had responsibility to lead. They were the experts. They studied God’s Word but did not teach it. Instead, they gave the people distortions of God’s Word…making “laws” that weren’t given by God. They seemed religious, but they were hypocrites. They left the “KEY” out of their teaching-truth.


Jesus told them misery, misfortune and disaster would be their reward-in a word, WOE. God has not changed…woe still eventually comes for those in authority who mislead others.

Jesus said…


“Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering.” As he went away from there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to press him hard and to provoke him to speak about many things, lying in wait for him, to catch him in something he might say.”

Luke 11:52-54


Do you see what else the “experts” (Pharisees and Scribes), those given responsibility for teaching others about God, did next? And this is even after Jesus spoke to them? They did not stop making their own religious mandates…then they provoked Jesus. They tried to cause Jesus to make a misstatement which they could use to condemn Him.


Here is the point…stop and think about these things a moment. They misused their position of leadership. They did not listen to Jesus, they provoked Him.


Are we any different from those “religious” leaders? Do we embellish things for our benefit? Do we take advantage if it will make things better for us? Do we provoke Jesus? Do we believe we can “catch” Jesus in a misstatement? Like maybe He was just a good man. Or maybe He didn’t really rise from the dead? Or perhaps we just think Jesus isn’t really that important?


Let’s go back to what Jesus said to the lawyers. “You have taken away the key of knowledge.” We know about keys. Keys unlock doors. A key is the answer. Jesus is both. He is all. He unlocks every door and knows all things. Jesus is the KEY.


My friend let us beware of our natural inclination to be an expert. And that we regularly provoke Jesus by our doubting Him. Can we remember what Jesus does in response?


He loves us in spite of our wretched behavior towards Him.

He is the true KEY OF KNOWLEDGE. Jesus is the only KEY to life.

He is the truth. Allow Him with you the rest of this day.

He never speaks woe to those who turn away from self and turn to Him.