Life's Most Important Question

God made our minds with miraculous abilities. One thing which causes me to marvel is how our minds can reflect on a thought while doing something else. We will put that ability to work today. Jesus was asked a question by a rich “ruler.” That question forms the text for today.

It’s my opinion, but this is the most important question either of us will ever be asked all of our lives. We’ll pose the question now.

Luke 18:18: “And a ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

The man’s question is our question: Jesus, what must we do to inherit eternal life? Just so you know, we won’t answer the question in this writing. It will come in the next one from Luke. Let you mind wrestle with the answer. So we do not forget, the question is: Jesus, what must I do to inherit eternal life?

To discover the answer, consider the things this question already tells us. The man recognized Jesus as an authority. The man knew there was eternal life. He knew it was possible to be an heir of eternal life. Consider these as in reflection. Then take this fact with you as you wrestle with the man’s question: 

One day you and I will die. Neither of us know when. Our coming death must be part of the reflection.

Finally, C.S. Lewis, a gifted, English author wrote the following. His words help us think about the question with greater seriousness:

“Christianity says that every individual human being is going to live forever. (In heaven or hell.)

This can only be true or false. It cannot be any other thing. 

Now there are a lot of things which would not be worth bothering about if you and I were going to live only seventy years. 

But we better bother about very seriously if we are going to live forever.”

This is the most important question either of us will face in life.

Jesus gives the answer…that’s next time.

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