It's About Justice!

What happens when I don’t read carefully and think about what I am reading? I make a mistake. I want to be careful with every text-they are based on God’s word. Please, give me have a second chance on this passage. My mistake-putting the emphasis on discouragement. Luke 18:1-8 is NOT about being discouraged-or losing heart. It is about what causes them. The passage is clear…my mistake.

It’s about justice.

In these verses Jesus teaches it is God who gives justice. Yes, in the previous blog we said injustice causes us to lose heart, to be discouraged. But before we move forward in Luke, know this: justice comes from God. Let this be our understanding. Again, what causes us to be discouraged, to lose heart?

It’s lack of justice. (It’s so clear, Jesus uses the word 4 justice times!) In verses 7-8 the word is used two of those times:

 “And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you; he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:7-8

You and I deal with injustice-daily. Dear friend, life is not fair. You already know that.  Injustice comes to us from sin in the world. Hypocrisy is injustice. Lies and deception bring injustice. When law is broken and the lawbreaker goes free, it’s injustice.  When others judge us unfairly that’s injustice. Hatred is injustice…there are so many other examples. Much of the heartache in your life…mine and the world can be traced to-injustice. It drags us down, creates sadness and sorrow.

There will be injustice as long as life lasts…but there is GOOD NEWS! Jesus said: “…will not God give justice to His elect?” Jesus always speaks truth and He has all power. His words are not empty or without authority

Does injustice have you discouraged; does it make you ready to give up? Jesus did not speak about justice in only these 4 verses of Luke. God specializes in justice; the Bible makes this undeniable:

“The Lord loves justice…” Psalm37:28

“…righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.” Psalm 92:7

“The Lord is a God of justice.” Isaiah 30:18

“…every morning He shows forth His justice.” Zephaniah 3:5

These are unambiguous truths. Here’s the truth again: justice comes from God. Yes, the unpleasant truth cannot be ignored, while we live in this life-we will suffer injustice. Did we say life isn’t fair?


There is a way to deal with injustice.

When we suffer injustice what did Jesus counsel us to do? How does Jesus teach us to respond to injustice? It seems naïve to think this would work. There must be more, the solution Jesus gives is too plain. Jesus exhorts us to pray about injustice. Pray about injustice day and night! That’s the solution-pray. Turn injustice over to Jesus, let Him deal with it. He knows the source of injustice. He knows the hearts of those creating injustice. Only Jesus is just. He said “God will give justice to them speedily…”.

This is what Luke 18:1-8 is about.


To deal with it-pray.

Justice comes from God.

He gives it when we pray.

There is injustice everywhere.

Jesus, teach us to pray.

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