It's About Fullness

There is fullness in the earth.

We forget this fact.

There is abundance on the earth and in it. Think of earth’s fullness as complete with an infinite amount left over. We could describe this fullness as extensive. It is. Earth’s fullness covers the entire planet. The abundance of life on earth is comprehensive. No living thing is excluded in fullness. Has human use of earth’s fullness been abusive? Certainly. Regardless of the too numerous to count existence of passenger pigeon-we destroyed this species. Yes, we humans can mess with the fullness of earth, even diminish it. Yet, the fullness of earth endures.

Within earth fullness there is unseen power.

The fullness of the earth contains regenerative power. Earth’s fullness is restorative. The fullness of earth holds rejuvenating forces. These are a part of the fullness of earth. It’s a marvelous miraculous planet we live on. Fullness makes earth even more marvelous!

Consider this example: the dragonfly.

The dragonfly alone provides support for the claim about the sweet fullness of earth. Encyclopedia Britannica reports 3,000 species. The Smithsonian magazine lists 5,000 and National Geographic reports the number to be 7,000 species worldwide. Why such variation? One answer may be in how dragonflies are classified. However, another answer equally accurate is “fullness.” Linked to fullness comes the phrase, “We don’t really know.”

Said another way, “The fullness of the earth makes it difficult to know exactly how many different dragonfly species there are on the earth.

Consider this brief account of the fullness of earth. We’ll use the dragon fly as the primary example. Currently, one species of dragonfly is clearly in season. It was unmistakably noticeable just 3 days ago. We drove to a nearby park for an evening visit. I wish I could have avoided the dragonflies. Some were killed by a collision with our vehicle. It is a joy to announce to you that most dragonflies escaped death by collision with a vehicle at 60 miles per hour.

How did they escape?  Fullness.

Dragonflies have compound eyes. Compound, that’s more than one…compound that’s as in complex and multiple. Those two large eyes have as many as 28,000 single eyes. And beyond the two compound eyes, there are an additional trio of simple eyes. Fullness! Dragonflies have superb vision; they saw our vehicle coming and got out of the way…most of them.

You cannot miss the 4 wings.

Dragonflies are magnificent in flight. Their wings are infinitely aerodynamic. This fact causes dragonflies to be extremely maneuverable while airborne. Birds have two wings; they are exceptional in flight. Why do dragonflies have 4? First answer?


Why are dragonfly wings transparent? It’s fullness! But, maneuverable, and with out of this world vision? Dragonflies catch their food on the fly. They have to be great fliers with outstanding vision to live. Many survived a collision with our vehicle by simply flying our of the way.

Yes-Our subject is fullness…fullness through dragonflies.

Consider these fullness facts:

The dragon flies in the photos have a delightful name: Beaverpond Baskettail .

  • Thousands of them have hatched into adult form-thousands upon thousands! If you lived where we do, around many acres of wetlands and lakes you would believe. If you don’t-take my word.

  •  A dragonfly’s life begins in water. (Beaver ponds have lots of water.)

  •  When a dragonfly hatches from the egg, it’s called a Naiad.

  • Dragonfly Naiads live up to 2 years-underwater. Call them fresh water sharks, they eat anything they can fit in their mouth.

  • BUT dragonfly Naiads are food for things larger than they in their underwater world.

  • When the appointed time arrives, Naiads become flying adults in 30 minutes.

  • It is estimated that ONLY 1% of Naiads reach adulthood. Repeat 1%! Just 1 of 100!

Did I say there were thousands and thousands of adult Beaverpond Basketails? Yes…there were/are. Now, those thousands represent just 1% of the TOTAL number of eggs laid! Consider fullness…

Perhaps this provides us with a small understanding of is what is meant by Fullness.

Where does the fullness of earth originate?

God…infinite, all powerful, everywhere present, all-knowing God…

Who by the way…Loves us…with FULLNESS!


The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, Psalm 24:1

There are only 2 in this photo. What would hundreds look like? Thousands?

David Ellis2 Comments