Inside Wisconsin Woods...A Photo Journey

Welcome to the world of the Northern Pearly Eye Butterfly…

…It’s quiet…the only sound is leaves on the breeze.

…Aspen leaves sound like rain in the breeze…mmm…nice.

…There are trees-many trees.

…There are shadows-everywhere shadows.

…Sunlight happens only in patches.

…Thousands of living things live with the Pearly Eye…

…The Harvestman on a leaf…and spiders, spiders, spiders…some tiny and suspended…others on the ground.

…There is water-when it rains…it makes crystal pearls on fern leaves.

…Pearly Eyes live with sculptured wood, few humans see.

…There is lichen in the Peary Eye world…some green, some gray, some orange.

…Nectar is not on the Pearly Eye menu…flowers don’t mix with trees.

…Not a problem- trees make a great Pearly Eye perch.

…take a walk in the woods-see the beautiful world of the Northern Pearly Eye butterfly.

…Hear the silence…the Northern Pearly Eye fits right in.

…Feel small, it’s a big world for a butterfly, humans too.

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