Every Bird-Robins Included

(to be read slowly with pauses to think…)

Across the continent this bird dwells.

Think of its voice like sweet spring bells,

In every forest, backyard, most places between

Robins leave happy hearts wherever they’re seen.


Greet the robin, feathered messenger of spring.

It’s coming hints of winters lost sting.

The unmistakable red feathered breast…

This bird’s a reminder-yes-we are blessed.


Hooray for robins…come…welcome feathered friends.

One of your duties, our winter-tired souls to cleanse.

Your arrival’s unannounced, always with unplanned predictability.

Seeing robins brings to each spirit…a sense of tranquility.


Every bird, a gift from God.

Given to each human who walks the sod.

Feathered miracles-they bring hope, and joy, maybe peace.

Watch the robins…see winter cease.


I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine. PS 50:11

The Dark Eyed Junco seems to always be found with robins…another sign of spring!

David EllisComment