Where to Find Amazing Things

We like to be amazed. We seek out incredible things. We like surprises because there is always the chance the surprise will be amazing.

If something is amazing, we are quick to tell others. We want them to know so they can be astonished with us. Let me tell you a secret: An infinite number of amazing things are found outside.

Now consider this fact, there are amazing things outside few human eyes ever see. We humans miss the stunning beauty of natural things because its cold outside, or wet, or windy. There are times there are things that bite and sting. There are times when its too hot. Some of us stay inside because outside is dirty. And we stay in because we are told outside is dangerous. Not in those words, but the messages that time outside is unhealthy comes implied in phrases like West Nile Virus, Pollen Index, and Wind Chill factor. We get a steady diet of these terms. They vary with the season. The implied message: “Its better if you stay inside.” Yes, there are individuals who contract West Nile, and many suffer from allergies. But wind chill? Just dress for the weather and find a place out of the wind.

Back to the subject. Amazing things are out there. My message to you has two parts. Part one-go outside. Part two-there are amazing things to discover there. My gift to you in this brief narrative is a group photos of amazing things. While photos are not as good as actually witnessing amazing things with your own eyes, they give ideas that outside is the place to go, and they are beautiful.

Before you see the pictures, there is another thing you should know. The things I will call amazing may disappoint you. The photos are not close ups of Bald Eagles. There isn’t a photo of a 16-point buck under an oak. There is no photo of a black bear in an ash tree, no waterfalls, no pounding surf against a solitary lighthouse. There are not even photos of the iridescence of a mallard drake’s green head. Those nature things are BIG amazing. The photos you will see are what we can call the unseen amazing. Another way to say it, they are common-but unquestionably amazing. To be amazing it needs to be made by God. Everything was made by God…see where this is headed?

(Photos are from Agassiz Waterfowl Production Area, 1 mile west of the former little town of French, Minnesota…now a huge Harvest States Grain Elevator. Date 11-4-22, time 10:00-11:30 AM: In order top to bottom-A Cirrus Blue Sky, Stiff Goldenrod, Backlit Stiff Golden Rod, Solitary Gray Stump in Cattails, Milkweed Pods Framed by Mullein, Backlit Milkweed Pods, Red Osier Dogwood, and Side Oats Gramma Grass, Common Pigeon Grass Before the Sun)

Told you they were amazing. Its even OK if you disagree…

They would be even more beautiful if the photos would have been taken during the golden hours…just after sunrise and just before sunset. But, I would not get outside at those times. This brings another truth to mind. There is no BEST time to go outside. There are better times for photographs, but ANY time is best to go outside.

We been thinking about seeing the amazing things outside. I’ve shown you some. There is another amazing thing about being outside. Being outside lowers human stress levels. Being outside is a healthy place to be. The air is better, and being outside provides us with exercise. I walked a distance to take these photos. When you go outside, set your mind to look carefully at things. Look from different angles, stop long enough in one place to see the amazing things there. The photo collection came from sitting in three different places for more than 15 minutes.

Oh…one more thing. Why are there amazing things outside? The best answer is: God put them there. God makes amazing things. From my view, that makes spending time outside more worthwhile. Take my advice…go outside, plan to find amazing things.

Let the whole earth sing to the LORD!

Sing to the LORD; praise his name.

Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.

Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.

Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.

Psalm 96:1-3

***Creator Words reader-if you liked this piece…please share it on your social media…thank you!

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