Beautiful Enduring Earth

Lake Itasca, June 2017.

We live on a beautiful planet. We have eyes and four other senses to experience the beauty of the blue planet. Our eyes are repeatedly drawn to the vast wild splendor of mountain ranges. The perpetual sound of the surf on the shore soothes our hearts. Watch a sunrise or sunset, even better both in the same day and a fullness comes to daily life. Examine the hoarfrost on white coated branches and wonder and awe fill our hearts. We never cease to admire the soaring free flight of birds. Or stand in silence as thunder clouds boil in towering masses overhead. Then, add the rays of the setting sun in those clouds and we are awestruck. The sweet cent of flower blossoms leaves us seeking more. In all of current human knowledge there is no place in the universe like earth.

Knowing this makes earth stewardship important. No other place in the vast universe supports life in the unique way earth does.

A medium sized star we call the sun is 93,000,000 miles distant. Closer and the earth would be like Venus. The surface temperature on Venus is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit! Farther away and earth would be the blue planet without life just as the red planet Mars. The average surface temperature on the red planet is minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit! The orbit of earth is precisely in the “sweet spot” for life.

Earth has an abundance of water. Water supports life. Approximately 70 percent of the earth is covered with water. It is estimated that the amount of water on the earth’s surface is 326 million trillion (Put 18 zeros after 326.) Earth’s oceans, with salt water comprise 96.5% of the total amount of water on the earth. The amount of fresh water is drastically less. Only 3.5% of water on earth is fresh. This amount supports human and terrestrial life. It has been this way since before recorded history, this amount continues to be enough. But considering the amount of water on earth bypasses the vast bulk, the mass of the earth. Earth’s water is found either at the surface or in understandable depths underground.

What is the estimated mass of the earth?

Our closest guess is 6.6 sextillion tons. No scale exists to weigh earth. This is a scientific, close as we can get guess. A sextillion has 21 zeros behind it. Write it out if you like…see what it looks like on paper. Expressed in a far less scientific way: earth is massive. From the center of the earth it would be about a 1,500 mile journey. But, we would never survive the intense heat from the lava core of the earth. Again, we are not exactly certain but temperatures of the earth’s core range from a scorching 9,000 Fahrenheit to a searing 13,000 degrees Fahrenheit! Yet in latitudes far away from the equator earth surface temperatures can reach a record minus 145 degrees Fahrenheit!

We think the sights of earth are beautiful. The systems of earth are beautiful in massive extreme. The atmosphere of earth is a perfect mixture of gases. We take in the atmosphere with every breath. It’s life! Earth’s hydrosphere contains all of the water on earth functioning in system. Included in this system is the life-giving water cycle. Earth’s weather is created by the water cycle. Earth’s biosphere contains all of the life found on earth. Within the biosphere are exceedingly intricate food chains and food webs. We’ve mentioned the geosphere when we examined the temperature of the earth’s core. Earth’s geosphere includes all of the land of earth…the iron, gold, silver rare earth metals…the Grand Canyon, different types of rocks including diamonds.

Here is the point. All of the previous information prepares our minds for the two statements which follow They are the two foundational ideas.

The earth endures.

Earth endures because God established it.

Pause moment. Either God exists, or He does not. If God does not exist. Throw out the two foundational statements. Enjoy the beauty of the earth. But then if God does not exist, you and I are responsible for the care of the earth. You read how massive the earth is. You also read how much water is on the surface, and how extreme the heat is at earth’s core. Do we really think we small humans can care for such a vast planet? Let’s agree that we both want to. This brings us to the problem we have not discussed yet. Humans have a track record of making mistakes in the care of the earth. To prove my point, consider this example: the American Bison. When we finally realized we had to protect them less than 1,000 remained. There were between 30 and 60 MILLION when the shooting began. Do we honestly think we can wisely steward a planet with the systems of earth using human intelligence. Our intelligence is flawed.

Repeat: The earth endures. The earth endures because God established it.

The possibility that God exists overshadows the possibility He does not. If God exists, He made the earth. The infinite wisdom of God organized all of its systems, precisely placed earth 93,000,000 miles from the sun, set the earth’s core temperature at exactly the right temperature for life. God has all power. Because HE spoke the universe into existence, everything in it continues under HIS control.

Please do not expect me to explain this. I cannot explain how our coffee maker works. If God made the earth, many things we worry about become non issues. Human population, climate, natural resources, disease…all of the things we humans throw up our hands in fear over.

You know what comes when you say, “God’s in control?”





Have you ever thought where beauty comes from?

Once more repeated: The earth endures. The earth endures because God established it. God’s Word stands forever.

The following words are from God and about God:

Your faithfulness continues through all generations;

you established the earth, and it endures. Psalm 119:90

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