Overflow Power
Excess…surplus…flood…over the brim…
more than needed, running over…extravagance…
heaped together.
Overabundance beyond human capacity…not me, you, anyone.
Long ago, present, far into the future…no one…ever.
Overflow is God’s specialty, extravagance His forte…mountainous excess…beyond stars.
Unconceivable, infinite, indescribable abundance…
power found only in Him… the stars…
uncountable, a limitless universe.
Consider earth, one blue planet hung on nothing …
Bursting…uncountable plants, teeming oceans, crammed with life.
Excess is God’s nature…
all creation, in forgiveness, best of all-love.
We are made in His image, beneficiaries of God’s endless loving mercy.
Our lives His cup, He fills every cup with His vast overflow.