12 Spotted Skimmer
Look…one dozen spots…
three on each wing, four wings…
one dozen spots.
Males have white spots with the dark… females only dark.
A 12 spotted Skimmer, carnivore supreme,
insect wolf with six legs.
Arial acrobats, out-fly prey…mosquitoes, bees, midges, moths, butterflies…even spiders.
If it flies, soars on webs, its dragonfly lunch.
A skimmer eats its weight every 30 minutes.
Dragonfly larva live in water, just as carnivorous…
Tadpoles, minnows, mosquito larva, even other dragonfly larva…
all on menu.
Compound eyes view the world in ultra-color…ulta-vision to extreme.
Eyesight beyond human comprehension.
Created…12 spotted Skimmers do not organize over time.